Annual Address 2011








David C. Hodge
September 29, 2011


I only wish that I had more time to continue with the list of initiatives and accomplishments that are propelling Miami forward—like the high-tech, innovative TeachLive lab in Education, Health and Society, Carole Dabney Smith receiving the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for her research and mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students, and or the new Mobile Learning Center to promote the use of mobile technology for education—a joint venture of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies, and Information Technology Services. Each of these, and so many more, represents vision and effort, and each of them should to be recognized and celebrated. But it is even more important to understand and recognize that together, these accomplishments and initiatives are building a culture of entrepreneurial spirit, a culture that sees and seizes opportunities brought on by changes in the world around us. It is a culture that strengthens our relentless pursuit of excellence.

These are times that demand the very best from us, and by us, I mean all of us: students who relish challenge, a faculty and staff who are deeply committed to creating the very best learning and discovery environment, and alumni who believe in and support their beloved alma mater. There is much to be done, and we are the ones who must do it. I call on each of us to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities before us. We are Miami's future.

Through all of this change we remain centered by our passion for learning, the heart of everything we do. I would like to end my remarks today by sharing with you the public service announcement that was created to showcase Miami when our athletic teams are on television. I believe that this PSA captures the heart of what Miami is all about (see

"Because these moments are what we live for—why we teach—and who we are. Miami University."

For Love and Honor






