
Do you commute to Oxford from Colerain? Try the BCRTA R5 bus route on Demo Day April 9

Help show your support for public transit by trying the R5 for a day

bcrta-logoIn celebration of National Transportation Infrastructure Day Thursday, April 9, the Butler County Regional Transit Authority (BCRTA) will provide a free demonstration of the proposed R5 - Oxford & Colerain commuter bus route.

The BCRTA R5 bus will depart at 7 a.m. from the Colerain Meijer with express service to Oxford.  

The bus will stop on campus at: 

  • Farmer School of Business
  • Benton Hall 
  • Campus Avenue/Walnut Street
  • South Campus Garage
  • Shriver Center

All stops will be before 8 a.m.

In the afternoon, R5 will depart at 5:20 p.m. from Shriver Center with express service to the Colerain Meijer.

Please make a reservation  to ensure a seat on the bus. 

The purpose of this demonstration is to show what could be possible with more support of public transit in Butler County.


Commuters: Celebrate National Transportation Infrastructure Day by trying the proposed R5 route April 9.

With more funding for public transit, BCRTA could provide this vital link between Miami University, a major regional employer, and the greater Cincinnati area served by Cincinnati METRO.  

With the right amount of support, the R5 - Oxford & Colerain commuter route could operate from 5 a.m. until midnight daily, making regular connections with Cincinnati METRO and providing access to and from Miami, according to the BCRTA.

Questions? Contact BCRTA at (513) 785-5237.

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