Bingo Card Back Long Description

Fold your paper in half and cut to the desired size, being sure to keep the folded edge intact.

If your child can write, allow them to make the verbiage. If not, help them write what they want to say. It can be as simple as "Bee Habitat".
Give the sign some drawings to illustrate the change you are making. This should go along with your words.
Open the fold so that the writing is not showing. Spread white glue in on the paper.
Place your popsicle stick so that it is in the middle of the right half of the paper. Fold your paper back together and let dry.
Cut pieces of packing tape slightly bigger than the sign and tape across the paper until the whole sheet is covered with overlapping lines of tape. Repeat with the back side so that the tape sticks together at the edges. Trim off the excess tape, being careful to leave a little room between the tape and the paper.
Your sign should look like it has been laminated. It is now weather-proofed and ready for the garden!