
2-4-16 Weekly Three

Below is the Weekly Three.
Admission Update: As of February 3, Miami has received 29,617 applications for fall admission—an increase of 8.8% over last year. Also encouraging, this year’s pool includes increases in both quality and the diversity of applicants.

Interactions with faculty and staff can have a significant impact on accepted students. Please consider helping to yield the class of 2020 by participating in February Make it Miami events on Friday 2/12, Monday 2/15 or Friday 2/26. On those dates, you can: 1) help to welcome accepted students and their families during the 8:00-9:00 a.m. open session at the Armstrong Student Center, or 2) contact admission to join accepted students from your division at a lunch in the dining halls. The Make it Miami link and a complete list of the spring dates can be found at the Make it Miami website.

Grant Award: Miami received a grant of $381,856 from the Ohio Department of Higher Education as part of a SW Ohio submission—with our partners the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati State—for the Regionally Aligned Priorities in Delivering Skills (RAPIDS) program. The project connects basic and applied research projects with student and workforce training on additive manufacturing engineering with healthcare provider workforce development. The $381,856 is part of $1M awarded to the threepartner institutions and Jessica Sparks (CPE), Kevin Messner (Libraries), Ayodele Abatan (ENT), and Brenda Barnes (NRS) will lead the equipment and nurse education components at Miami. Congratulations to all.

Reminder: Nominations for Distinguished Scholar awards—recognizing junior and senior faculty who engage in outstanding research and creative activity—are due by March 9. Please refer to the website for details and nomination forms: