Pool Review Process & Next Steps
The OEEO reviews all faculty and unclassified administrative staff applicant pools for affirmative action purposes. Data is reported at an aggregated level for women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans that meet the minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting. An applicant flow data (AFD) report is provided to the hiring department with this aggregated data (for pools with 5 or less qualified applicants, the OEEO will not provide the AFD report to protect the self-identification of the applicants).
Departments must submit their pool of qualified applicants for review and receive approval from the OEEO prior to any applicant being contacted for interviews (including but not limited to telephone, virtual, and/or in-person interview).
Please contact the OEEO if there are any questions or issues in reviewing and submitting the pool for review.
- Availability
- Utilization & Under-utilization
- Job Groups
- Applicant (as defined by the Internet Applicant Rule)
Reviewing Applications
- The department is responsible for reviewing all submitted applications to determine those that meet the minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting. If you have any questions regarding qualifications, please contact the OEEO and appropriate Personnel Office.
- Unless otherwise stated on the job posting, you must default to the time the application was submitted to determine if an individual meets the minimum qualifications. (See "Minimum Qualifications" on the Job Description Considerations webpage.)
Submitting the Applicant Pool for OEEO Review
- Once the list of qualified applicants is determined, a bulk move may be done to move all qualified applicants to the "Qualified – Submit for OEEO Review" status.
- Note: Please use the bulk move functionality within PageUp to change qualified applicants to the "Qualified – Submit for OEEO Review" status.
- Refer to the "Applicant Review Process" on the PageUp Resources Page for instructions on how to bulk move individuals to different statuses.
- All those that do not meet the minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting will need to be updated to the Not Qualified status individually or through a bulk move.
- Once everyone in the pool has been updated to the correct status ("Qualified – Submit for OEEO Review" or "Not Qualified"), please notify the OEEO via email that the pool is ready for review.
OEEO Review
- The OEEO will determine whether or not the submitted pool can be reviewed based on several criteria, including but not limited to:
- Information regarding availability and utilization provided by the annual Affirmative Action Programs (AAPs) compared to the demographic composition of the requested pool of qualified applicants;
- The length of time the position has been posted on Miami’s official jobs and careers website (through PageUp);
- The completion of all advertising listed on position requisition (PageUp Job Card).
- The OEEO may need to reach out to departments and the appropriate Personnel Office in order to verify that all of the advertising listed on the approved job card has been placed.
- If the OEEO determines that the pool can be approved, the department will receive an email that includes the AFD Report (if the pool is greater than 5 qualified applicants). Once this email is received, departments may start contacting applicants for interviews.
- If the OEEO determines that the pool cannot be approved, the department will be contacted to work through next-steps, which may include additional and/or re-advertising, additional time, etc.
Next Steps
- If the hiring department continues to review applications as they are submitted (at the "New" status) after the pool has been reviewed and approved by the OEEO, or if the department returns to the pool at any time after the pool has been reviewed and approved by the OEEO (and up to the time the job posting is closed and marked as “Filled”), they must:
- Review all applicants at the "New" status at the time of the subsequent review, and
- Update all applicants at the "New" status to either the "Qualified" or "Not Qualified" statuses.
- Note: The "Qualified – Submit for OEEO Review" status should not be used once the pool has been reviewed and approved by the OEEO.
- If the hiring department does not continue to review applications as they are submitted (at the "New" status) after the pool has been reviewed and approved by the OEEO, or if they do not return to review the pool of "New" applications at any time after the pool has been reviewed and approved by the OEEO (and up to the time the job posting is closed and marked as “Filled”), the remaining applications at the "New" status should remain as such (i.e. they should not be updated to any other status).