
Farmer School Anderson Distinguished Lecture Series speaker, Steve Wozniak, Addresses Thousands at Millett Hall

November 2017

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, was the 2017 Anderson Distinguished Lecture Series speaker in a free event at Millett Hall on Monday, October 30, 2017.

The speech delivered by the original technical mind of Apple, started out with a back story of life leading up to the creation of Apple.

From a young age, Wozniak wanted to be an engineer. But rather than be an engineer for appliances, he channeled this love to computers. At any given chance, Wozniak would be in his room working to design the newest model of computer. This passion would continue to grow well after college.

Wozniak chose to take a year off after his first two years of college. After being hired for a programming position at Hewlett-Packard, he was given the opportunity to design and build a computer. Through this opportunity, he would meet Steve Jobs.

Wozniak and Jobs had a special kind of relationship. Within five years, they were on their way to success with the forming of the Apple Computer.

However, Wozniak’s life did not just revolve around Apple. He was able to achieve other lifelong goals. He finished his degree at UC Berkley and taught 8 years in the public schools teaching young kids how to use computers.

Wozniak was able to answer many questions from students during the question and answer session of the lecture. While a few students asked about artificial intelligence and coding, many students questions were focused on happiness and success. His advice is to, “Be happy at what you do and do it for the right reasons.” And if you are an entrepreneur, “Find an engineer!”

About the Anderson Distinguished Lecture Series

Jack and Rosemary Anderson established this Farmer School annual lecture series to bring some of the best leaders and thinkers in the world to the Miami University campus. Speakers cover a broad range of topics and the lectures are free and open to the public.

Steve Wozniak Steve Wozniak on stage at Millett Hall