News Listing

Miami Plan Re-review & Submissions Support Sessions
Miami Plan Re-review & Submissions Support Sessions
CyberMania: Help us beat Ohio University!
Next month is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and in honor of it, Miami University's IT Services is partnering with Ohio University to host something special.
Senate News, September 25, 2023
University Senate met on September 25, 2023 in Harrison 111. Senate heard from Keith Hohn on two graduate programs in Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. Senate also heard an update from Leighton Peterson, Director of the Office of Liberal Education on the new Miami Plan. Senate also took nominations and elected two members to the Midterm Ad-hoc Committee (Thank you to Carol Fabby and Andrew Hebard).
Tool helps Miami students, faculty, and staff share name pronunciation
NameCoach is now available for Miami users in Canvas and online!
Save the Date: Miami AI Symposium November 1
The first Artificial Intelligence (AI) summit at Miami is set to take place on November 1 in the Armstrong Student Center on the Oxford Campus.
Dean of Student BaShaun Smith Initiates Student Connections
Less than a month into his time as Miami University’s associate vice president and dean of students, BaShaun Smith, Ed.D., has wasted no time in forging connections with the student body.
Myaamia Center - A New School Year at Miami University - September, 2023
Letter from Daryl Baldwin, Executive Director of the Myaamia Center, to update on current activities, recent accomplishments, and future plans of the Myaamia Center at Miami University. Myaamia Center Staff, September 15, 2023
The AgeSmart Inventory: A Multifaceted Tool to Understand Age Bias
Ageism has been recognized as a global problem leading to poorer health, isolation, and workplace discrimination toward people based on their age. Consequently, there are several tools that measure levels and types of ageism with a focus on the quantification of degrees and types of ageism.
From the ISO: September cybersecurity smorgasbord
This week has IT Services singing the cybersecurity blues. We have several new issues to report on and a couple of the same old, same old.