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Senate News, December 4, 2023
Senators heard two proposals for new business including changes to the Graduate Assistantship Policy and a new Master of Education Degree in Counselor Education (EDP). Two special reports were heard. One on the Rinella Learning Center from Christina Carrubba-Whetstine, Director of the Miller Center for Student Disability Services and Learning Center and another on the AI Workshop by David Seidl, Vice President for Information Technology and CIO.
Meet the Employee Services Team!
Meet the Employee Services Team!
Techsplaining 101: Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is an important factor in creating equal opportunities for those with disabilities. Let's learn about what these tools and the AccessMU Center do to help!
Miami Makes Best Places to Work in IT List for Third Straight Year
For the third year in a row, Miami University has been chosen as a top place to work in IT.
RedHawk Day of Service Builds Unity
More than 100 students and staff members came together on September 30, 2023 for the inaugural RedHawk Day of Service at Miami University.
Senate News, November 20, 2023
Senators continued a discussion on changing the Undergraduate Internship Policy. A resolution (below) was then passed with a vote. Senators heard an update from Liz Mullenix and a special report from Jason Ezell, Head, Learning and Engagement, Nate Floyd, Student Success Librarian for Foundational Learning and Laura Birkenhauer, Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement on the Library retention programs. Senate was adjourned, but then reconvened to approve abbreviated minutes and with that vote, the resolution below was approved.
First AI Symposium a Huge Success
Miami University hosted the first Miami AI symposium on November 1, and by all accounts, it was a huge success.
Save the Date: Miami Data Summit 2024
The next Data Summit will take place on Thursday, January 18, 2024! This half-day event will feature a keynote and breakout sessions all about data and how we use it at Miami, with the theme of "Uncovering Value in Data."