
Changes to Classroom Refresh Process

by Randy Hollowell, IT Services

As the spring semester appears in our rearview mirror, and summer is upon us, it is time to focus on updating and refreshing the various learning spaces around campus. IT Services, in conjunction with our campus technology partners, has been working hard to improve the refresh process and is getting ready to implement these changes.

Instructor technology cart from classroom in Boyd HallThe main changes are in how upgrades will be provided. Instead of technicians going into learning spaces and upgrading code and hardware onsite, staff will be creating full, tested technology carts in Hoyt, and then swapping the updated carts with those in the classrooms. This process will involve a like-for-like swap of carts. Unfortunately, due to limitations, no special requests will be allowed.

The main focus of the refresh is to provide installed, pre-tested and clean controller code with proper hooks into the central Crestron FUSION system. Best efforts will be made to make sure swaps are like-for-like exchanges, but if alternate hardware is required, it will be for a newer model than currently deployed.

We are planning to utilize the already scheduled learning space refreshes scheduled with Classroom Engineering and our technology partners to refine and test this swap out procedure. Once we have the process fully defined and vetted, we will publish a full schedule of dates and rooms. We expect upgrades will continue throughout the summer, into the fall, and may even extend into the spring.