4-21-16 Weekly Three

Apr 21, 2016
Here is the Weekly Three:
Presentation to Regional Campuses – On Tuesday, David Creamer, Sr. Vice President for Finance and Business Services, and I presented information to faculty and staff at both the Middletown and Hamilton campuses about Regional Campus budget and financial information, faculty configuration, degrees, credit hour distribution and regional campus faculty salaries. The information shared was similar in scope to the presentations given at the Oxford campus this past October and last week. Our slides, with notes, are attached. (Please note: Report is now available by contacting the Provost's office.)
University Senate Updates
- On April 18, University Senate approved the Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in English Studies for the Regional Campuses. This brings the total of 4-year degrees offered at the Regional Campus to 14.
- In response to the concern regarding Miami University’s out-of-network coverage benefits as compared to other colleges and universities in the state, Dawn Fahner, Interim Director of Human Resources, contacted her counterparts at other Inter-University Council (IUC) schools in Ohio to review their plans. There was a discrepancy regarding how we described the out-of-network, out-of-pocket maximum benefits at other schools. While it is accurate to state that there are no true out-of-pocket maximums at any university because employees in all plans are responsible for any charges that are balance-billed for services not covered by the plans, there are out-of-pocket limits at other universities - meaning that at some level of expenditure, other universities do pick up more of the employee's share of coinsurance. Ms. Fahner will be sharing this updated information with Miami’s Benefits Committee who will review this benchmarking data closely as they propose plan design recommendations for 2017. On behalf of the Benefits Committee, the co-chairs, Melissa Thomasson and Dawn Fahner, expressed their strong desire to hear from the community to help keep our benefits package competitive. As I have stated previously, it is very helpful to hear concerns and I am grateful for individuals bringing issues forward.
- University Senate elected new leadership for the coming year. I congratulate and thank Dr. Shelly Jarrett Bromberg, elected vice-chair, and Dr. Liza Skryzhevska, elected Senator-at-large, to the 2016-2017 Executive Committee. Dr. Andrew Reffett will continue his work on the committee as Chair. I look forward to working with them. I also thank Dr. Yvette Harris, who served as Chair and Dr. Cathy Wagner, who served as Senator-at-large of Executive Committee this year.
- There are open positions remaining on Senate and Senate committees for the coming year. I encourage you to consider representing your colleagues and division on this important governance body. Please contact Becky Sander, University Senate Recording Secretary (sanderra@miamioh.edu) if interested.
Alumni Success Survey - Institutional Research has released the most recent results of the New Alumni Success Project, which tracks 2014-15 alumni career and educational placement. The project uses a variety of methods to identify alumni placement rates, including online surveys, phone calls, and National Student Clearinghouse records. Among 2014-15 alumni:
- 95.5% of Oxford bachelor’s graduates were employed or enrolled in school as of fall 2015.
- 97.5% of regional campus bachelor’s graduates were employed or enrolled.
- 95.9% of master’s degree recipients and 98.1% of doctoral degree recipients were employed or enrolled.
Full reports by degree level and division are available on the OIR website at miamioh.edu/oir/Surveys/Post-Graduation. (Please note, link is no longer available.) For additional information, please email InstitutionalResearch@MiamiOH.edu.