
9-15-16 Weekly Three

Commitment to Teaching - As you may know, US News and World Report has ranked Miami second in the nation for our “Commitment to Undergraduate Teaching.” This recognition—the 8th year in a row we have placed in the top five—confirms what I already know and witness firsthand about my faculty and staff colleagues. You are selfless, dedicated teachers and scholars who are committed to providing educational, research, and out-of-classroom learning opportunities that are extraordinary. Congratulations on this important and well-deserved recognition again this year.

In addition to our “Commitment to Undergraduate Teaching,” US News and World Report also recognized Miami for the following:

  • #30 in the “Top 30 Public National Universities”
  • #79 (up 3 spots from last year) in “Best National Universities”
  • #31 in “Best Undergraduate Engineering Schools”
  • #48 in “Best in Undergraduate Business”
  • 1 of 50 “Best National Universities for Veterans”

So, thank you for your exemplary commitment to our students and their education.

Reminder: Faculty Assembly - The fall Faculty Assembly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, at 4pm in 152 Shideler. Agenda items include:

1. Welcome and Announcements (President Crawford)

  • o Faculty Assembly Quorum
  • o Resolution for the Awarding of Degrees for the 2016-17 Academic Year

2. Faculty Salaries (Phyllis Callahan)

3. Long Term Budget Planning (David Creamer)

4. Updates (President Crawford)

  • o Diversity and Inclusion
  • o Campus Climate Survey
  • o Fundraising Campaign

I hope you are able to attend.

Translation and Interpretation Services - As we increase the number of Miami partnerships and relationships around the world, there is a steady demand for translation and interpretation services. Professional services are available to provide certified document translation and on-site or remote interpretation, and our colleagues in Global Initiatives can provide guidance and contact information for a variety of providers. The benefits of seeking a professional service, versus asking a native speaking faculty, staff member, or student to assist include:

  • Accessing certified linguists who specialize in translation and interpretation for many languages
  • Ensuring consistency in translation/interpretation results
  • Receiving greater efficiency and turn-around time

Please contact Karla Guinigundo ( or 513-529-5622) for more information.