11-8-18 Weekly Three

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Samuel "Zeb" Baker on being selected as the new director of the University Honors Program. Dr. Baker served as the associate and senior associate director of the program for the past five years and will begin his new appointment at director on January 2, 2019.
At this week’s University Senate meeting, Sr. Vice President for Finance and Business Services David Creamer and I presented the annual Oxford campus budget presentation. We are adding annotated notes to the power point slides and will share those in next week’s Three.
Here is this week’s Three:
Regional Campus Offering Nursing Program on Oxford Campus – In an effort to address the increased demand for the Regional Campuses’ nursing program, the College of Liberal Arts & Applied Science (CLAAS) has expanded the delivery of the program to the Oxford campus. This fall, CLAAS admitted 60 Oxford students into the nursing program (NSG) in addition to the 80 students admitted on the regional campuses. Oxford nursing students will be taught in Oxford by CLAAS NSG faculty and the nursing program (regardless of student campus location) will remain a CLAAS major. If demand continues, the Regionals will admit another 80 Oxford nursing students in fall 2019 and will continue to admit 80 nursing students on the regional campuses.
The Oxford campus's School of Education, Health & Society (EHS) will begin a similar opportunity in fall 2019 to address the need for a four-year education major on the Regional campuses. EHS plans to accept its first selective cohort of early childhood education students who will complete the four-year EHS program entirely on the Regional campuses.
Thanksgiving Week Schedule – The length of Miami’s academic semesters is federally regulated requiring 15-17 instructional weeks for both fall and spring semesters--including instructional weeks (defined as having at least one day of classes and/or finals) and final examination week. Miami's fall semester contains 15 weeks, including the week of Thanksgiving, so please remember that classes need to be held that week. The Thanksgiving holiday break for students begins at 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 20.
International Education Week – Next week, November 12-16, Miami will celebrate International Education Week, an annual initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education. The schedule of activities – including presentations, lectures and community events—can be found on the Office of Global Initiatives website.
Until next week,