12-6-18 Weekly Three

December 6, 2018
Here is this week’s Three:
University Senate - Information about University Senate meeting times, agendas and actions, as well as a list of members, can be found on the Senate website. Here are two items of note from recent meetings:
Per Senate Resolution SR 18-12 passed in the spring, Senate Executive Committee, in consultation with the Faculty Welfare and Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committees, has recreated an Ad Hoc Committee to make recommendations to Senate related to faculty composition. A description of the committee’s charge (approved by Senate) and a list of members is attached. (original attachment can be obtained by contacting the Provost's office)
At the December 3rd Senate meeting, Stacey Lowery-Bretz, Chair of the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee, provided information about budget items and concerns that are being considered by the Committee and a summary of the Committee's annual report.
Final Grades – The deadline for posting first semester grades for full-term courses is 12:00 noon on Tuesday, December 18 via My Miami and BannerWeb or Canvas. Please remember, this is the last time you will be able use the current two-factor method to enter grades. Beginning with the winter term, you must enroll to use the new Duo security system for grade submission and other university processes.
Reminder – Miami’s Fall commencement ceremony is Friday, December 14 (3:00 pm) Millett Hall. Participating faculty and staff should register by Friday, December 7, then report with academic regalia to the west concourse of Millet on December 14 by 2:30 pm.
Until next week,