University Senate - February 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order and Announcements
The University Senate was called to order at 3:50 p.m., in Room 111, Harrison Hall, Oxford Campus, on Monday, February 12, 2018. Members absent: Juan Carlos Albarrán, Ann Elizabeth Armstrong, Kenya Ash, Rodney Coates, Michele Dickey, Dawn Fahner, Elizabeth Maurer, Michele Pactat, Thomas Poetter, Breanna Robinson, and, Andrew Revelle.
- Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of University Senate, Phyllis Callahan
The first Make It Miami session will be this Friday, February 16, 2018.
Senators were reminded that there will be a Faculty Assembly meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, in 152 Shideler Hall from 4-5 p.m.
The Greater Cincinnati Chinese Chamber of Commerce Chinese New Year Gala was held on Saturday, February 10.
John Weigand, Associate Dean, College of Creative Arts, has been elected the president of the Ohio Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. He is the first educator to hold this position.
Approval of University Senate Minutes
- A motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve the December 4, 2017, minutes of University Senate.
Consent Calendar
- The following items were received on the Consent Calendar without debate:
Curriculum dated February 7, 2018
Council on Diversity and Inclusion Minutes – November 10, 2017
Center for Teaching Excellence Committee Minutes – September 11, 2017
Center for Teaching Excellence Committee Minutes – October 2, 2017
Center for Teaching Excellence Committee Minutes – October 16, 2017
Governance Committee Minutes – December 1, 2017
Graduate Council Minutes –November 14, 2017
Student Affairs Council Minutes – September 27, 2017
Student Affairs Council Minutes – October 25, 2017
2017 Graduate Student Life Survey Findings and Recommendations
Proposal to revise Changes of Registration (Student Handbook 1.2.C.1)
Proposal to revise Textbook Policy (MUPIM 10.4)
Forming MA Examining Committees (Graduate Handbook 4.1.D)
Special Report
- Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee, Amit Shukla, Chair
Amit Shukla provided an update of the activities of the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee. During the Fall semester, the committee met with several constituents, including the Provost, President, Academic Deans, Dean of Libraries, and Athletic Director. During Spring semester, the committee plans to meet with Enrollment Management, Student Affairs, and Physical Facilities in addition to discussing budget for next fiscal year
The committee notes that expenses are growing faster than revenue; however enrollment numbers are strong at this time and the quality of students continues to be high. Additionally, the percentage of non-resident applications has increased 11% since 2009. As of January 2018, number of confirmed students was slightly below last year.
The committee notes that financial aid commitment to recruit each class of higher caliber is increasing. For FY 2018 this commitment is approximately $76 million.
Shukla shared that the Academic Strategic Enrichment plan, was funded by Board of Trustees in December 2017. Carry forward funds from various divisions were used to create this fund. Academic units provided half of the contributions while the other half came from administrative units on campus. Details of this plan will be forthcoming.
Questions were collected from senators on various topics including: Research Support, Enrollment Trends, Athletics and The Regional campuses.
- No discussion of increasing OARS staff at this point.
- Enrollment plan for the near future includes 3800 full time, first time students at Oxford campus with 45% of class from out-of-state students.
- Athletics budget in FY 2018 includes $18.5 million from General Fees and $9.7 million from ICA sources.
- Regionals are forward looking and moving with a vision to deliver a high quality Miami experience. The online and hybrid course offering continues to increase. Additionally, there are new relationships being formed between Oxford and the Regionals with both the Nursing program and the Teacher Education program. The Regionals are planning move to a single tuition rate beginning Fall 2018.
Additional questions and discussion followed; Provost Callahan also provided her input on the Fiscal Health of the institution and what is being done to stay ahead.
New Business
SR 18-03 - Proposed change to the University Honors Program Advisory composition, Senate ByLaws, 6.B.13.a.
SR 18-03
February 12, 2018
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse proposed revisions to the ByLaws of University Senate, 6.B.13.a, regarding Committee composition and membership of the University Honors Program Advisory Committee. The Ex-Officios will now include: the Directors of any divisional honors program, if not selected as representatives of their academic divisions; the Associate Director of the University Honors Program; and, the Director of the University Honors Program.
SR 18-03 was passed by voice vote.
SR 18-04 - Proposed change to the Council on Diversity and Inclusion composition, Senate ByLaws, 6.C.4.a.
SR 18-04
February 12, 2018
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse proposed revisions to the ByLaws of University Senate, 6.C.4.a, regarding Committee composition and membership of the Council on Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The revisions are: reduction of the number of representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science from two to one; addition of a representative from the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Success; and, increasing the number of staff positions from five to seven to include the Director of Student Disability Services and the Regional Director of Diversity and Multicultural Services.
SR 18-04 was passed by voice vote.
SR 18-05 - Proposed change to the International Education Committee composition, Senate ByLaws, 6.C.7.a.
SR 18-05
February 12, 2018
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse proposed revisions to the ByLaws of University Senate, 6.C.7.a, regarding Committee composition and membership of the International Education Committee, to add a Graduate Student representative.
SR 18-05 was passed by voice vote.
Executive Committee Update – Shelly Jarrett Bromberg, Chair, Senate Executive Committee
- A brief summary of the December Board of Trustees and of the February 5, 2018, Executive Committee meeting was given.
- A motion was received, seconded, and carried to adjourn the Regular Session of University Senate.
Next scheduled meeting of University Senate:
February 26, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Room 111 Harrison Hall, Oxford Campus