University Senate - November 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order and Announcements
The University Senate was called to order at 3:30 p.m., Remote Access, on Monday, November 22, 2021. Members absent: Abayaomi Abodunrin, James Bielo, Jennifer Fox, Jason Osborne, Becca Pallant, Grace Payne, Vada Stephens, Troy Travis, Victoria Villanueva, Ben Waugh.
Announcements and Remarks by Jennifer Green, Chair, Senate Executive Committee:
COVID-19 cases on campus remain low with less than two (2) reported cases per day. The University received recognition from Butler County Health District which stated that if Miami University were counted separately, it would have the lowest transmission rate in the county.
At the time of this meeting, there are only 54 employees within Academic Affairs (15 staff; 39 faculty) who have not documented their vaccination status or requested an exemption. The mask mandate will remain in effect through winter term; a decision regarding spring will be made and announced by January 14, 2022.
Approval of University Senate Minutes
A motion was received and seconded to approve the corrected November 8, 2021 Minutes. (Yes 46; No 1)
Consent Calendar
- The following items were accepted and received on the Consent Calendar:
- November 22, 2021 Curricular Items
- Liberal Education Committee Meeting Minutes - 26.2021
- Liberal Education Committee Meeting Minutes - 09.2021
- Graduate Council Meeting Minutes – 12.2021
- COVID-19 Vaccine Policy – Regional Campuses Students
- COVID-19 Vaccination Policy – Employee
- Gift Policy
- Immunizations and Medical Screenings Revised
New Business
- SR22-07 Sense-of-the-Senate Expression of Gratitude, Dana Cox, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs:
- This, along with outdoor reception, is a formal recognition from University Senate to those who worked tirelessly through the pandemic as a way to document their efforts and to say thank
- The motion was received and seconded. The resolution passed. ( Yes 46; No 0; Abstain 2)
- SR22-08 Revisions to the Council of Diversity and Inclusion (CODI), Rosemary Pennington, Chair of CODI:
- The proposed revisions to the function and membership for CODI will create a more diverse body of representatives that will be able to work more efficiently in regards to policies related to DEI that would come through Senate and have the opportunity to create and propose policy related to DEI efforts on their
Q: Has CODI considered having the new graduate student who is on the committee be chosen by Graduate Student Association(GSA), as opposed to just chosen from the general graduate student body? Can we change the wording to reflect that?
A: We had not talked about how the representative would be chosen, but having GSA involved would be similar to what is happening with Associated Student Government (ASG) on the undergraduate side.
Q: Can we change the wording to reflect that change, so that it will read “A graduate student chosen by the GSA”?
A: We can make that change in the final draft. - The motion was received and seconded. The resolution passed. ( Yes 46; No 0; Abstain 0)
- The proposed revisions to the function and membership for CODI will create a more diverse body of representatives that will be able to work more efficiently in regards to policies related to DEI that would come through Senate and have the opportunity to create and propose policy related to DEI efforts on their
- SR22-09 Statement of Essential Teaching Practices, Carolyn Haynes, Senior Associate Provost:
- Senate Executive Committee charged the ad-hoc committee to analyze Miami’s current Statement of Good Teaching Practices. Recommendations for revising critical components of effective teaching that align with Miami’s values to include essential and aspirational practices are included in the proposed revision. The statement includes responsibilities for creating informative syllabus, attendance policies, office hour information, and
Q: I was under the impression we were not able to meet with students in person currently; wouldn’t item three stating ‘informing students of regularly scheduled office hours’ violate those standards?
A: It's really referring to the policy that already exists about office hours. Many of our students express appreciation for those who do hold some virtual office hours. I think whatever modality you offer is fine.
The motion was received and seconded. The resolution, with minor corrections, passed. ( Yes 44; No 3; Abstain 2)
- Senate Executive Committee charged the ad-hoc committee to analyze Miami’s current Statement of Good Teaching Practices. Recommendations for revising critical components of effective teaching that align with Miami’s values to include essential and aspirational practices are included in the proposed revision. The statement includes responsibilities for creating informative syllabus, attendance policies, office hour information, and
Sense-of-the-Senate - An Expression of Gratitude
November 22, 2021
We, the members of University Senate, would like to express our gratitude to the people in our community who have been working tirelessly to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on our campuses during Fall 2021 and ensure a successful in-person fall semester.
To the Dining and Facilities staff who worked to keep our students and staff fed, our classrooms, residence halls and buildings sanitized and clean: Your dedication is inspiring and we thank you.
To the Faculty that taught wearing masks and under other challenging circumstances through-out the semester: Your deep commitment to our students and the pursuit of knowledge is the very foundation of our university and we thank you.
To the Staff that worked to make sure that all the things that needed to get done to support our students and faculty - did in fact get done: We are grateful for your service and we thank you.
To the Students who came to class, wore their masks and worked to keep each other healthy: We thank you.
To all those who were able to and did get vaccinated to protect our community: We are grateful.
We could not have accomplished all that we have done this semester without the dedication of all of the members of our community. While, everyone on our campuses has contributed their time and effort to the health and safety of our community, we especially want to thank those who, in addition to their regular duties, worked to establish and support the COVID-19 testing programs, the contact tracing programs, the quarantine and isolation of those who became infected and the vaccination of our faculty staff and students:
- Raquel Aaron
- Mecca Adbul-Aziz
- Bell Ampem
- Meghan Ariss
- Kiana Asada
- Kellee Avery
- Susan Bantz
- Rebecca Baudry-Young
- Jen Beardslee
- Heather Bechtol
- Vicka Bell-Robinson
- Craig Bennet
- Jen Benz
- Anna Bercaw
- Lauren Betz
- Amy Bielicki
- Stephanie Bishop
- Bob Black
- Natalee Blackford
- Margaret Blair
- Anna Bloomquist
- Angie Bowling
- Phil Bowling
- Katie Brehm
- Emily Brito
- Jayne Brownell
- Melissa Burke
- Terri Buzzell
- Karrington Butler
- Marquetta Carmichael
- Mattea Carveiro
- Mary Case
- Ben Chatwin
- Kriss Cassano
- Jon Cherry
- Emily Cluen
- Angie Coffey
- Lauryn Cook
- Dana Cox
- Greg Crawford
- David Creamer
- Sammy Crisalli
- Sam Curran
- Brenda Curry
- Steve Dailey
- Jeremy Davis
- Shellie DeGuire
- Dawson Delph
- Kristina DeMarco
- Xiaoyun Deng
- Andrew Denman
- Dominic DeVengencie
- Faith DeVengencie
- Janna Doerner
- Duane Drake
- Hillary Dreyfus
- Arlaina Dunning
- Chris Elmore
- Cayden Enix
- Mandy Euen
- Paul Eversole
- Dawn Fahner
- Gwen Fears
- Mathew Ferguson
- Sofia Fernandez
- Pete Ferris
- Hunter Fitch
- Kaelin Frazee
- Amani Freeman
- Abby Gerold
- Olivia Giles
- Rachael Gill
- Katie Gouge
- Libby Grant
- Edward Green
- Samuel Grillo
- Ruth Groom
- Tammy Gustin
- Pete Haverkos
- Lauren Havlin
- Joe Hawkins
- Cameron Hay Rollins
- Brian Henebry
- Timothy Henke
- James Hensley
- Wesley Highley
- Alexis Hill
- Tim Holder
- Jaime Hunt
- Awa Jallow
- Jonathan James
- Jordan Janosik
- Corrine Jeffries
- Kandice Jeffries
- Cassidy Jenkins
- Beth Johnson
- Carole Johnson
- Whitney Johnson
- Nanci Jones
- Karen Kammer
- Mehak Kaur
- Megan Kelley
- Grace Killeen
- Tony Kinne
- Hannah Kiperman
- Andor Kiss
- Olivia Kline
- Molly Kock
- Barry Krauth
- Tim Kresse
- Nicole Kristosik
- Katie Kromer
- Jacob Krzciok
- Tali Kuhns
- Teriea Kupiec
- Abbe Lackmeyer
- Rachael Lange
- Steve Large
- Sandi Ledger
- Kendall Leser
- Beverly Logan
- Josh Longsdorf
- Carolyn Lucyshyn
- Nora Maltz
- Cassidy Martin
- Sherry Martin
- Sarah Mathews
- Hannah McCarren
- Christy McClure
- Lakesha McCurdy
- Cecilie McGhehey
- Huxley Miller
- Jeremy Miracle
- Noah Montague
- Gloria Moore
- Kimberly Moore
- Emily Moro
- Emma Moughan
- Zack Mroz
- Connor Mullaly
- Abbey Mullins
- Julia Mumper
- Elizabeth Murdock
- Chelsea Noonan
- Jen O'Brien
- Ruth Oluwafemi
- Jason Osborne
- Kate Page
- Robin Parker
- Missy Parsons
- Timothy Parsons
- Daniel Perinovic
- Mathew Perry
- AJ Peterson
- Ted Pickerill
- Kate Pinkerton
- Mark Pontious
- Maggie Potter
- Cody Powell
- Amanda Rainey
- Averie Rice
- Abby Richard
- Kara Ring
- Gary Ritz
- Jessica Rivinius
- Alexis Roach
- Carter Roane
- Becca Robles
- Erin Rockstroh
- Hannah Rozenson
- Drew Ruckelshaus
- Gia Salamalekis
- Veronica Schulte
- Ryan Sego
- Isuru Senaratne
- Brent Shock
- Veronica Shulte
- Phil Smith
- Rieko Sotojima
- Sydney Sorrell
- Gabby Spencer
- Becky Stephenson
- Nancy Stewart
- Kristina Suto
- Mahi Tayaba
- Dirk Tepe
- Celine Thormann
- Jane Thurmer
- Machel Tipton
- Beth Tonyan
Revisions to the Council of Diversity and Inclusion (CODI)
November 22, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse proposed revisions to the ByLaws of University Senate, 6.C.4.a, regarding Committee composition and membership and 6.C.4.b regarding the functions of the Council on Diversity and Inclusion, as set forth below:
6.C.4 Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI)Advisory to the Vice President of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost.
6.C.4.a The Council on Diversity and Inclusion shall be composed of:- One (1) faculty member who is a member of University Senate and shall serve as Senate
- One (1) representative from the College of Arts and
- One (1) representative from the Farmer School of
- One (1) representative from the College of Engineering and
- One (1) representative from the College of Education, Health, and
- One (1) representative from the College of Creative
- One (1) representative from the University Libraries
- One (1) representative from the College of Liberal Arts and Applied
- One (1) member of the Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC).
- One (1) member from the Division of Enrollment Management and Student
- One (1) representative from the Division of Information Technology (IT)
- One (1) representative from the Division of Student
- One (1) representative from the Division of University
- One (1) representative from University Communications and
- One (1) representative from Intercollegiate
- One (1) representative from the Division of Finance and Business
- One (1) undergraduate student who is the Associate Student Government, Secretary of Diversity and
- One (1) undergraduate student who is a member of the Diversity Affairs
- One (1) undergraduate student who is enrolled at a Miami Regionals
- One (1) graduate student who is a member of the Graduate Students of Color
- One (1) graduate student chosen from the general graduate student
- Five (5) administrative staff positions:
- The Director of the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion or
- Director of the Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity or
- The Director of Global Initiatives or
- The Director of Miller Center for Student Disability
- The Regional Director of Diversity and Multicultural Services
6.C.4.b The functions of the Council on Diversity and Inclusion are to advise the Vice President of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost on matters of diversity and to facilitate long term planning for and make policy recommendations to the University Senate and University Senate committees related to issues of diversity and inclusion. The Council is also responsible for reviewing
revisions of policies in the areas listed above, reviewing proposals for new or revised policies from others, and can also propose policies in consultation with the VP for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. CODI will also engage in the following:
- Connect offices and departments of the university to various diversity and inclusion initiatives
- Disseminate information to members of the University community regarding "best practices" which encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Facilitate open dialogue and difficult conversations across differences to promote understanding and constructive exchange of views on matters of diversity
- Develop diversity-related competencies to increase recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff, and students
- Use metrics to assess and identify trends, progress, and problems pertaining to campus diversity and climate
- Build an intellectual community that recognizes that diverse experiences create a rich educational experience for members of the greater University community
Statement of Essential Teaching Practices
November 22, 2021
Policy Title: Statement of Essential Teaching Practices
Proposer Name, Title and Email:
Tracy Haynes and Jakin Wu, co-chairs of ad hoc committee
University Senate created the following resolution relating to the Statement of Good Teaching Practices:
- Whereas: The current pandemic has highlighted the shortcomings of our current teaching standards and the need to update them;
- Whereas: It is crucial for both students and professors to maintain clear standards for each other;
- Therefore, be it resolved: To ensure that Miami University’s teaching standards are up to date and effective, the Statement of Good Teaching Practices shall be updated as follows:
Senate Executive Committee assembled an ad hoc group to develop a proposal. The group, which was chaired by Tracy Haynes and Jakin Wu, included the following members: Chip Hahn, Michael Todd Edwards, Rodney Coates, McKenna Linkey, and Nhu-Y Tran. Group members analyzed Miami’s current Statement of Good Teaching Practices and weighed each item against the current teaching environment of 2021 and the practices of peer institutions. While peer institutions did not have a formal statement of teaching practices, many have resources available for different teaching pedagogies and modalities, developing an effective syllabus, and creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive classroom. These are critical components of effective teaching and align with Miami’s values. Therefore, we constructed our recommendations to include these components.
Covered Parties:
Faculty, students
Revised Policy – Clean Version
Statement of Essential Teaching Practices
Every instructor is responsible for creating an informative syllabus and organizing an effective, equitable, and inclusive learning environment by:
- Providing a written syllabus to students on the first day of the course, including but not limited to learning outcomes, class attendance policy (aligned with “Class Attendance” policy in the Policy Library), content, examinations and/or assignments (including due dates), policy on return of student work, required course materials and technology, and method of grade calculation;
- Adhering to the syllabus and communicating clearly and in a timely manner any necessary modifications to the students;
- Maintaining and informing students of regularly scheduled office hours (see Office Hours for Instructional Staff policy in Policy Library);
- Ascribing to a standard of grading that follows the accepted practices within the discipline including providing and receiving feedback that is offered in a timely manner and is critical and respectful of others’ views;
- Informing students of Miami’s Academic Integrity policy and adhering to its principles;
- Utilizing a Miami University supported learning management system to communicate course information;
- Treating students with courtesy and respect at all times. Courtesy and respect do not prohibit strong criticism directed at the student’s academic errors and scholarly responsibilities;
- Maintaining a classroom learning environment that is free of discrimination and harassment and inclusive of all students;
- Following specific student accommodations received from Student Disability Services;
- Adhering to the “Statement on Professional Ethics” in the policy titled “Professional Ethics and Responsibilities.”
Old Business
- SR22-10 Major in Biomedical Science, Master of Medical Science (College of Arts and Science)
- The motion was received and seconded. The resolution passed. ( Yes 40; No 4; Abstain 3)
- SR22-11 Sense-of-the-Senate Learning-Focused Assessment Professional Development
- The motion was received and seconded. The resolution passed. ( Yes 39; No 3; Abstain 6)
- SR22-12 Revisions to Weather and Other Emergency Closing Procedure
- There was additional discussion about providing flexibility to faculty who may not be able to get to campus from areas outside of Oxford, clarification on closed campus and campus open/classes
- The motion was received and seconded. The resolution passed. (Yes 40; No 5; Abstain 2)
- SR22-13 Sense-of-the-Senate - COVID-19 Vaccine Policy Compliance
- Discussion focused primarily that while there was support by many Senators for policy enforcement for faculty and staff, some have concerns of voting in support without possible sanctions being included. It was shared that Office of Counsel had been consulted about these concerns and given the different scenarios for individual employee circumstances; it makes it impossible to specify sanctions. Outreach has been successful in contacting those who were showing as non-compliant, and numbers reduced
- A motion to amend the resolution was received and seconded. The resolution failed. (Yes 14; No 20; Abstain 10)
- The motion was received and seconded on the original resolution as written was received and seconded. The resolution passed. (Yes 26; No 9; Abstain 10)
SR 22-10
Major in Biomedical Science, Master of Medical Science November 22, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse the proposed major, Major in Biomedical Science, Master of Medical Science, College of Arts and Science.
AND FURTHERMORE, that the endorsement by University Senate of the proposed degree and major will be forwarded to the Miami University Board of Trustees for consideration.
SR 22-11
Sense-of-the-Senate Resolution - Learning-Focused Assessment Professional Development November 22, 2021
- Faculty currently utilize remote proctoring;
- Faculty value the effective assessment of learning and innovative methods in their teaching;
- Faculty, possessing academic freedom, must retain the ability to use their professional expertise and judgment in designing all aspects of their courses, including assessment of learning as an essential function of their position;
- Associated Student Government passed SR202104 supporting the training of Miami University faculty using any remote proctoring instruments;
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, the adoption of remote proctoring technologies for courses occurred, at times, without engagement with supplementary training;
- It is a legitimate interest of the University, faculty, and students to ensure that academic assessments are completed in line with all expectations of identity verification and honesty, regardless of the modality of the assessment and class;
- Faculty are an essential part of the University commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and some scholarship indicates that remote proctoring presents challenges to this mission
We recommend:
- That the Center for Teaching Excellence, the Howe Center for Writing Excellence, eCampus, and Miami Online, with the support of the Office of the Provost, explore long-term efforts to improve the effectiveness of learning assessments, which may have the effect of reducing reliance upon proctoring while maintaining and improving academic integrity and grading efficiency for all disciplines and course sizes and types. These efforts should include strategies such as (but not limited to):
- different measurement strategies related to student learning, including self-assessment, peer feedback, brief essays, and multiple-choice tests drawn from high-quality test banks;
- the evaluation learning beyond knowledge and comprehension, such as application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
- inclusion of technology-enabled measurement strategies that assist students in mastering learning objectives (such as low-stakes assessments, repeated measures with feedback and learning between attempts, a standard that allows students to move to the next set of material after demonstrating mastery of the current material); and/or
- where appropriate, includes authentic or experiential learning assessments; and
- That University academic departments and divisions, working with the Center of Teaching Excellence, the Howe Center for Writing Excellence, eCampus, and Miami Online commit to valuing excellent assessment of student learning as part of the annual evaluation process, developing guidelines and training materials for faculty who engage the use of any proctoring, including remote/online proctoring. Such training should be informed by the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Proctorio and evidence-based practices to reduce academic dishonesty. These efforts must reflect Miami’s absolute support for the academic freedom of faculty while also expecting continuing development in this area; and
- That we ensure students in all degree programs are informed of the rationale and substance of academic integrity policies and practices;
- That we expect that faculty will design assessments that will effectively measure mastery of course learning objectives; and
- That faculty are expected to make appropriate accommodations and equitable adjustments during all learning assessments with the support of appropriate offices such as the Office of the Dean of Students, Student Disabilities Services, and the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Education; and
- That the Office of the Provost will report to Senate on progress toward the goals 1-5.
Revisions to the Weather and Other Emergency Closing Procedures Policy November 22, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopt revisions to the University Policy on the Weather and Other Emergency Closing Procedures as stated below
Weather and Other Emergency Closing Procedures
Scope: Who is Covered by this Policy? Employees and Students
Information regarding Miami University operations and other emergency closings is provided below. In the rare situations when events, conditions may require a changes to the normal University schedule, there are multiple ways to access the information: University Communications and Marketing will work with Miami leadership to notify the campus about emergency procedures using the following methods:
Miami University website. The official reference is the University website, and/or myMiami. The Miami Regional Campuses website can be accessed here: Regionals.
Miami Emergency Text Messaging System. You will also receive information via email and through your cell phone if you are signed up for the Miami Emergency Text Messaging System. Check your account annually to verify it is current. To register for the Miami Emergency Text Messaging System, visit Emergency Text Messaging System.
Radio Stations. The following radio stations will also be given information; however, information sent to them may be edited. Therefore, the University cannot ensure the accuracy of the information provided.
Employees should review the information on the University website or emails.
AM Radio Stations | FM Radio Stations |
WMOH (1450) |
WMUB (88.5) |
WLW (700) |
WVXU (91.7) |
WPFB (910) |
WPFB (105.9) |
WHIO (1290) |
Not Applicable |
Emergency Weather Designations
Oxford campus will be designated as (1) open, (2) open withbut on-campus classes cancelled, or (3) closed.
If the University is designated as open with on-campus classes cancelled, faculty are encouraged, if possible, to conduct their classes using alternative modalities and available technologies. In those circumstances, the Instructor will determine which modality, if any, will be used (remote synchronous or asynchronous class meetings and/or alternative assignments) in alignment with course objectives, resources, and available technologies to maximize student learning and engagement. Instructors should include any planned alternatives (if any) for such a designation in the course syllabi and students should familiarize themselves with the expected alternatives. Since extenuating circumstances surrounding any emergency event will vary, faculty are expected to reach out to their students to keep them informed regarding their courses after any University announcement that changes the normal schedule.
If the campus is closed, only essential weather emergency staff are required to report to campus to work. Please note, most times when it is announced that classes are cancelled, the University is open and staff are expected to report to work. Departments that need staffing during a weather emergency should do two things:
Be sure staff know if they are designated as essential staff; and,
Be sure staff know that they are not designated as essential staff and are not to come in during a weather emergency unless told to do so. Weather emergency situations may require more or less staff depending on factors like students in the residence halls, the extent of weather damage, and the availability of electricity. Employees must receive directions from their supervisor, prior to any emergencies, regarding how they will know whether to come in or not. Employees who come in who are not designated essential staff will not receive severe weather pay.
Essential sStaff who are not able to report when required are expected to follow the normal call-in procedure. Failure to call in is considered a no-call/no-show; the employee will not be paid for that day and will incur an occurrence under the attendance policy.
When the University is open, all employees are expected to report for work. If weather prevents an employee from reporting (s)he is expected to follow the normal call-in procedure. For classified staff fFailure to call in is considered a no call/no-show. T; the classified staff memberemployee will not be paid for that day and will incur an occurrence under the attendance policy.
Employees are required to request vacation, comp time, or personal time in advance. Individuals Staff who call off due to weather conditions when the University is not closed may be denied pay for that day.
Two hours after the University closes and two hours before the University opens is considered transition time. Selected transitional staff may need to be on site to lock/open the buildings and prepare for business. Transitional staff will be identified by their supervisor prior to any weather emergency.
When the Oxford campus is closed all facilities are closed, this includes the libraries, Goggin, the Recreational Sports Center, etc. There are some special considerations:
If an intercollegiate athletic event is scheduled, the Athletic Director will confer with the President to determine whether or not the event will be cancelled.
If a creative arts event is scheduled, the Director of the Performing Arts Series will confer with the Provost and President to determine whether or not the event will be cancelled.
If a weather emergency occurs during finals week, the Provost and President will determine whether or not the libraries will remain open.
The following designations (Plan A and Plan B) apply to the Hamilton and Middletown campuses and the Voice of America Learning Center.
Plan A. Classes are canceled but all staff report as usual.When classes are canceled, all staff are expected to report to work as scheduled. University staff who are unable to report to work due to adverse weather and road conditions should notify their supervisors as soon as possible. Classified staff who are tardy in reporting to work or unable to report to work: may use available vacation; compensatory time, or personal leave time; make up the lost time during the current payroll period; or take the time without pay. If the time lost cannot be made up in the current pay period, it can be made up in the following two (2) pay periods as overtime equivalent. Unclassified administrative staff who are unable to report to work must use vacation for a half-day or more.
It is important to remember that a decision to cancel classes does not constitute a closing of campus.
Plan B. Campus is closed but weather-emergency staff report as usual.Weather-emergency staff are those designated as such in the police department, physical facilities department, telecommunications, and others who are designated as “weather-emergency staff.” All other faculty and staff are asked not to come to campus. All classified employees who are designated as weather-emergency staff are required to report to work and will receive their regular rate of pay during their shift plus the adverse-weather premium pay. Those employees who are not required to report will be paid for their regularly-scheduled hours.
Unclassified administrative staff will receive their regular pay.
Early End to the Work Period Due to Inclement Weather Conditions
When actual or impending road conditions warrant, the President, or designated representative, may give approval for all non-weather-emergency staff to leave early. Classified employees who choose to leave early may, with the approval of their supervisors, use available vacation, compensatory, or personal leave time; make up the lost time during the current payroll period; or take the time without pay.
Sense-of-the-Senate Resolution COVID-19 Vaccine Policy Compliance November 22, 2021
Whereas COVID-19 exists, is likely to be with us for the near future, and continues to have a devastating impact on individuals and the health of the wider community;
Whereas our overall health and well-being as a university community is served through a commitment of all students, faculty, and staff;
Whereas the university requires that faculty, staff, and students comply with the COVID-19 vaccination policy by either uploading proof of vaccination or requesting and receiving an exemption for one of the allowable reasons outlined in the policy through the mechanism specified;
Whereas students face severe sanctions if they do not comply with the stated vaccination policy, including being removed from courses for Spring 2022; and
Whereas this policy has been broadly and repeatedly disseminated through multiple pathways to all university members over an extended period of time;
We, the University Senate, support the imposition of reasonable and appropriate sanctions for non- compliance with the university’s COVID-19 vaccine policy. We recommend the first step be direct communication with the individual followed by University-provided education regarding making an educated and informed decision on vaccination and how to comply with university policies.
- Meeting was adjourned.
- Meeting was reconvened to approve abbreviated minutes; abbreviated minutes approved.
- Meeting was adjourned.