Senate News, April 30, 2018

Three Resolutions and One Sense of the Senate Pass
On Monday, April 30 2018 University Senate heard reports from:
- Maggie Callaghan, ASG President
On Monday, May 7, 2018, Senate had the following actions:
- Minutes of the University Senate April 23, 2018. meeting were approved.
- With the approval of the April 30, abbreviated minutes, the following resolutions were approved:
SR 18-11
Sense of the Senate
April 30, 2018
Amendment to MUPIM 5.1
Whereas Miami’s academic freedom statement (MUPIM 5.1) firmly associates academic freedom protections with tenure,
Whereas in 1950, when the statement was adopted, the board could not have predicted that seventy years later, the majority of faculty would lack due-process protections,
MUPIM 5.1 shall be amended to clarify academic freedom protections at Miami and ensure that they are robust. Two statements will be added after the penultimate paragraph.
- The institution thus commits to the teacher-scholar model and seeks to preserve and, whenever possible, increase the ratio of tenure-line faculty to non-tenure line faculty.
- Where provisions for tenure do not exist, the university will work to ensure academic freedom by establishing the process protections, opportunities for advancement through ranks, recognition of seniority, and conscientious peer evaluation.
SR 18-12
April 30, 2018
Creation of Ad-Hoc Committee by Senate Executive Committee
Be it resolved that an ad-hoc committee be appointed by Senate Executive Committee in consultation with Faculty Welfare Committee and Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee to consider Miami’s needs, values and goals in relation to its faculty composition and to make recommendations about faculty composition that include due process and academic freedom protections appropriate to each category.
SR 18-13
April 30, 2018
Promotion and Evaluation Guidelines for Teaching Professors, Clinical Professors, Lecturers and Clinical Lecturers 2018-2019
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopts revisions as amended to the 2018-2019 Dossier and Evaluation Guidelines for Teaching Professors, Clinical Professors, Lecturers and Clinical Lecturers.
SR 18-14
April 30, 2018
Appointments to Standing and Advisory Committee of University Senate
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate confirm the 2018-2019 appointments to open seats of the standing and advisory committees of University Senate; and
BE IT FURTHERMORE RESOLVED that Senate authorizes Senate Executive Committee to confirm remaining 2018-2019 appointments to the standing and advisory committees of University Senate.
(Twenty-five members of Faculty Assembly can challenge a Senate resolution by filing a petition with the University Senate Recording Secretary during the first ten class days following publication in Miami Matters).