Senate News, September 28, 2020

University Distinguished Professor Stacey Lowery Bretz provided an update on the Academic Program Evaluation, Improvement and Prioritization (APEIP) process. Dr. Bennyce Hamilton introduced proposed changes to the composition and function of the Council on Diversity and Inclusion. Jerome Conley, Dean, University Libraries, introduced a Sense of the Senate resolution on the prioritization of library space.
The September 14, 2020 minutes were approved.
The following reports and minutes were received on the Consent Calendar:
Graduate Council Minutes – August 27, 2020
Liberal Education Council Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2020
Liberal Education Council – GMP Redesign – Meeting Minutes – September 18, 2020
With the approval of the September 14, 2020, minutes, the following resolution was approved:
SR 21-02
September 14, 2020
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse the proposed degree, Bachelor of Science in Business, with a major in Real Estate, Farmer School of Business.
AND FURTHERMORE, that the endorsement by University Senate of the proposed degree and major will be forwarded to the Miami University Board of Trustees for consideration.