Senate News, April 26, 2021

Senators continued discussions regarding proposed composition and function changes for three Senate Committees: Liberal Education Council; Honors Program Advisory Council; and, Academic Policy Committee. Discussion also continued regarding the proposed Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship degree/major. Jannie Kamara, ASG Student Body President, presented the ASG Year in Review. Senator Dawn Fehner led a discussion regarding returning to campus.
Minutes of the University Senate meeting for April 19, 2021, were approved.
The following items were received on the Consent Calendar:
- LEC Meeting Minutes – April 6, 2021
With the approval of the April 19, 2021 minutes, the following resolutions were approved:
SR 21-26
April 19, 2021
Revisions to the Global Miami Plan
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopts revisions, as amended, to the Global Miami Plan as set forth in the attached document.
SR 21-27
April 19, 2021
Calculating Faculty Composition
Whereas the existing method of expressing expectations about faculty composition is mathematically unsound and difficult to represent; and
Whereas we wish to leave the intent of the policy unchanged while using an equivalent and true percentage instead of a ratio expressed as a percentage;
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves the following changes to the Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs) Policy as outlined below:
TCPL faculty includes lecturers and clinical lecturers with the ranks of assistant, associate and senior lecturer as well as teaching and clinical faculty with the ranks of assistant, associate and full professor. Collectively, these positions are referred to as TCPL faculty.
Limitation on Number of Lecturers and Teaching Faculty
TCPLs may not exceed the following percentages of continuing faculty (full-time TCPL and Tenure/Tenure Track) within each division:
- CAS: 20%
- CCA: 20%
- EHS: 26%
- CEC: 20%
- FSB: 29%
- CLAAS: 23%
Divisions must work within the structure of governance processes to modify this limitation and to address faculty composition more broadly. Divisions must adhere to their faculty composition policy and the dean of the college/school must annually communicate with faculty on current and historical trends in faculty mix. This communication should provide context including relevant budgetary resources and curricular needs. The provost will annually update the University Senate on changes to divisional policies and faculty mix. Any changes that incur a raising of the new caps in this resolution must be approved by Senate.
Appointment to a TCPL position requires either:
- a competitive search; or
- the approval of the Provost upon the positive evaluation and recommendation of the department if required by departmental governance, the department chair, the program director (when appropriate), and dean for a person currently holding another instructional staff position at Miami University.
SR 21-32
April 19 2021
Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Dossier Preparation 2021-2022
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopts revisions as amended to the 2021–2022 Promotion and Tenure Guidelines for Dossier Preparation.
SR 21-33
April 19, 2021
Dossier and Evaluation Guidelines for Teaching Professors, Clinical Professors, Lecturers, and Clinical Faculty 2021-2022
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopts revisions as amended to the 2021-2022 Dossier and Evaluation Guidelines for Teaching Professors, Clinical Professors, Lecturers, and Clinical Lecturers.
SR 21-34
April 19, 2021
Revision of MUPIM 2.5, Faculty Assembly
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves changes to MUPIM 2.5, Faculty Assembly, as outlined below:
Faculty Assembly
Faculty Assembly is chaired by the President of the University who has responsibility for the preparation of the agenda for meetings. The agenda shall be mailed to each member of Faculty Assembly at least seven (7) class days prior to the meeting and shall provide sufficient detail for reasonably clear identification of the nature of the items.
The actions of the University Senate are subject to the authority of Faculty Assembly to review and refer actions back to the University Senate and to recommend matters for Senate’s consideration.
Faculty Assembly is composed of all members of the faculty who hold a tenured or tenure-track position; all librarians who hold the rank of Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, or Principal Librarian; and Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs)
Membership in Faculty Assembly does not qualify Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs) to serve on committees whose membership is restricted to faculty in tenure-eligible ranks.
With the approval of the April 26, 2021 Abbreviated minutes, the following resolutions were approved:
SR 21-28
April 26, 2021
Revision of Liberal Education Council Composition
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves changes to Senate ByLaws 6.B.13, Liberal Education Council, as outlined below:
Actions of the Liberal Education Council, which require the approval of University Senate, such as changes in policy, shall be reported to the Senate Executive Committee, which shall place them on the agenda of University Senate. All actions of the Liberal Education Council shall be recorded in its minutes, which shall be distributed to all members of University Senate, who may raise questions about any of these actions at the meeting of University Senate that follows the distribution of the minutes. Except for any action University Senate refers again to the Liberal Education Council, the actions which do not require explicit approval by University Senate shall be considered passed upon the adjournment of the first University Senate meeting after the distribution of the Liberal Education Council's minutes.
The authority to approve the inclusion or elimination of courses in the University Liberal Education curriculum shall reside in the Liberal Education Council. Courses submitted for such approval shall already have been approved by all other appropriate academic units . Periodic review of courses should affirm that the primary focus of course offerings is clearly aligned with the student learning objectives of the Miami Plan attribute associated with the course.
- A minimum of Eleven (11) faculty members:
- The Associate Director
- Two faculty members from different departments with expertise in humanities.
- Two faculty members from different departments with expertise in social sciences.
- Two faculty members with expertise in natural science
- One faculty member with expertise in creative arts
- One faculty member with expertise in mathematics/technology/formal logic
- One faculty liaison to the Howe Center for Writing Excellence
- One Two (2) faculty at-large member nominated in consultation with the Chair of the University Liberal Education Council.
- One faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in Study Away/Study Abroad
- One faculty (could also be one of the above) shall represent the Regional Campuses
- One faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary learning
- One faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in DE&I
- One faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in Intercultural Consciousness
- One faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in Global Inquiry
- One faculty (could also be one of the above) shall be a member of University Senate and serve as Senate Liaison.
The primary goal is assembling a committee with the appropriate expertise to appropriately evaluate offerings. All divisions must be represented.
Ex-officio members who are non-voting but advisory:
- One (1) representative from the University libraries.
- One (1) representative from the Office of the University Registrar
- One () undergraduate student nominated by Associated Student Government.
- One (1) professional academic advisor
- The University Director of Liberal Education shall serve as the Chair of the Liberal Education Council.
- Additional ex officio members may be named to nonvoting seats on the Liberal Education Council at the discretion of the Council, with the approval of University Senate.
The Council shall form appropriate subcommittees as necessary.
Nominations for the Council and subcommittees shall be made in consultation with the Director of Liberal Education. Nominees must be able to serve at the regularly scheduled meeting time established for the following year.
SR 21-29
April 26, 2021
Revision of Honors Program Advisory Committee Composition
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves changes to Senate ByLaws 6.B.12, Honors Program Advisory Committee, as outlined below:
6.B.12.a. The Honors College Honors Program Advisory Committee shall be composed of:
- Eight (8) Six (6) faculty members from Oxford-based curriculum-generating units as follows:
- One (1) member of University Senate from any academic discipline and serving as Senate Liaison to the Committee. The Senate liaison shall be drawn from any Oxford-based curriculum-generating unit.
- One (1) from the humanities from the College of Arts and Science.
- One (1) from the social sciences from the College of Arts and Science.
- One (1) from mathematics/statistics/natural sciences from the College of Arts and Science.
- One (1) from the College of Creative Arts.
- One (1) from the Farmer School of Business.
- One (1) from the College of Engineering and Computing.
- One (1) from the College of Education, Health, and Society.
- One (1) from the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science.
No more than two (2) representatives from the College of Arts and Science shall serve at the same time in this category. Whenever possible, membership of the Committee shall alternate between the paired units. At least two (2) of the representatives in this category shall have had previous experience on the Committee. The Chair of the Committee shall normally have had previous experience serving on the Committee and teaching honors courses.
- Two (2) student members.
The student representatives shall be chosen by the Honors Student Advisory Board.
- Ex officiononvoting member:
- Directors of any divisional honors program, if not selected as representatives of their academic divisions.
- The Director of the Honors College University Honors Program.
- Associate Director of the University Honors Program.
6.B.12.b. The Executive Committee of University Senate, in consultation with the Director of the Honors College University Honors Program, shall nominate committee members. Nominees must be able to serve at the regularly scheduled meeting time established for the Honors College University Honors Advisory Committee for the following academic year. Where possible, preferences should be given to identifying nominees who have experience in teaching honors courses.
6.B.12.c. The functions of the Honors College University Honors Program Advisory Committee are to advise the Director of the Honors College University Honors Program on curricular and administrative issues involving honors education at Miami the program and to approve the inclusion of courses in the Honors College University Honors Program curriculum. The Committee shall report regularly to University Senate.
SR 21-30
April 26, 2021
Revision of Academic Policy Committee Composition
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves changes to Senate ByLaws 6.B.2, Academic Policy Committee, as outlined below:
6.B.2.a. The Academic Policy Committee shall be composed of:
- Six (6) faculty members, one from each academic division and at least one of whom shall be a member of University Senate and serve as liaison and one of whom shall be a current or former department chair.
- One (1) academic dean, associate dean, or assistant dean with expertise in academic policy of one college or school appointed on a rotating basis.
- University Registrar or designee
- One (1) unclassified staff member professional academic advisor
- Two (2) Three (3) undergraduate students with two being representatives of Associated Student Government and one being a student representative from the Regional Campuses. The Regional Campus Representative (RCR) will be a regional campus student selected by regional campus student government. In the event regional campus student government is unable to select the RCR then the RCR will be selected by the office of the regional campus dean.
- One (1) graduate student selected by the Graduate Student Association (GSA). In the event GSA is unable to select then the office of the dean of the graduate school will select the graduate student representative.
- One (1) Two (2) ex officio, non-voting member
- One (1) representative from the Office of Academic Affairs
- One (1) representative from the Office of the University Registrar.
6.B.2.b. The functions of the Academic Policy Committee are to advise the Provost and make recommendations to the academic deans, University Senate or other University Senate committees on educational policies found in: the Policy Library related to curriculum and research such as but not limited to: course registration, course repeat, re-enrollment, transfer credit, examinations, grading system, academic integrity, attendance, classification of students, degree honors and graduation requirements; and wording in the General Bulletin that relates to the policies under consideration. educational programs, requirements, and standards (for example: grading policy for undergraduates, methods of instruction, evaluation of instruction, advising and counseling for undergraduate students and programs, admissions, retention, and financial aid); to The Committee is responsible for reviewing revisions of policies in the areas listed above, reviewing proposals for new or revised policies from others, and can also propose policies. It reports regularly to Senate; and to consults with and advises the Provost about all other matters of academic policy affecting the University.
SR 21-31
April 26, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse the proposed degree and major, Bachelor of Arts in Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship, College of Creative Arts.
AND FURTHERMORE, that the endorsement by University Senate of the proposed degree and major will be forwarded to the Miami University Board of Trustees for consideration.
SR 21-35
April 26, 2021
Appointments to Standing and Advisory Committee of University Senate
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate confirm the 2021-2022 appointments to open seats of the standing and advisory committees of University Senate; and
BE IT FURTHERMORE RESOLVED that Senate authorizes Senate Executive Committee to confirm remaining 2020-2021 appointments to the standing and advisory committees of University Senate.