2015-16 Faculty Spotlight

Michael Brudzinski

photo of Michael Brudzinski(Department of Geology and Environmental Earth Science)

"Geology has this perception of being about old dusty rocks, and so we are trying to change that image to show how we actually do the science by using computers. My courses use a lot of Google Earth, Excel, and web surfing to interact with real geologic data. My classes reflect Miami's effort to create more active and engaging courses, so students spend a lot more time doing than listening in class."

Read what Dr. Brudzinski had to say about his research on earthquakes in Ohio and beyond.

Denise McCoskey

photo of Denise McCoskey(Department of Classics)

"Like my colleagues, I am constantly challenged to find ways of making the world of the ancient Mediterranean relevant to modern students. Seeing students become excited when they encounter ideas that speak to them is always inspirational for a teacher."

Read what Dr. McCoskey had to say about her interest in the role of race in the Greek and Roman worlds.

Dana Cox

photo of Dane Weeks(Department of Mathematics)

"What I enjoy most about teaching is the office hours. During that time, I'm able to get to know my students one-on-one. I enjoy having them ask personalized questions about what they want to know and helping them in that way rather than in the one-size-fits-all class. To me, that is really one of the greatest things about my job!"

Read what Dr. Cox had to say about her favorite course ('problem solving with technology') to teach.

Michelle Boone

photo of Michelle Boone(Department of Biology)

"The best thing I like about teaching is learning new things. I try to design classes around ways that makes them more unpredictable."

Read what Dr. Boone had to say about her research on some of the ecological effects of pesticides.

Nirmala Naresh

photo of Nirmala Naresh (Department of Mathematics)

"I could have pursued a number of careers with a math major, but my strongest passion was for teaching it—that's why I continue doing so to this day! I like teaching the way I would want students to teach my own children."

Read what Dr. Naresh had to say about her varied teaching and research interests.

Martin Johnson

photo of Martin Johnson(Department of History)

"What I enjoy most about teaching is the different ideas that one experiences. By this I mean that a course can be taught five different times, and each time students will express different ideas than before. I’m always amazed by the variety of perspectives and different points of view!"

Read what Dr. Johnson had to say about his research on the Civil War.

Zara Torlone

photo of Zara Torlone(Department of Classics)

"I really like teaching because I like being exposed to young people, who have a lot of fresh ideas. Sometimes I just let them read literature without lecturing or telling them what I think, because I want to know their impressions first. It's interesting how they look at the text with absolutely fresh eyes!"

Read what Dr. Torlone had to say about teaching in a 'flipped' classroom.

Kimberly Hamlin

photo of Kimberly Hamlin(Department of History; American Studies Program)

"Overall, the reason I became a professor is because I love to learn. Brainstorming new ideas and projects definitely keeps me motivated. It's really fun to meet a new group of students each year and watch them grow, sometimes over four years if they take multiple classes with me."

Read what Dr. Hamlin had to say about her research and work on film documentaries.

Pascal Massie

photo of Pascal Massie(Department of Philosophy)

"What I enjoy most about teaching is the unexpected interaction with students. When they come up with something that I did not think of, this disrupts the lesson plan in a good way, in a way that is really creative and interactive."

Read what Dr. Massie had to say about when he found his passion for philosophy.

Heidi McKee

photo of Heidi McKee(Department of English)

"I love working with Miami students. I think they are incredible for their range of interests, their energy, their excitement about new ideas, and their willingness to take on challenges. I really enjoy helping to push students to learn and achieve as much as they can."

Read what Dr. McKee had to say about her research collaboration with undergraduate students.

Helane Androne

photo of Helane Androne(Department of English)

"My philosophy is that students and teachers learn together, and the best way to do this is to have the freedom to ask questions, to pursue answers to questions, and to have ideas respected and considered."

Read what Dr. Androne had to say about her passion for the Ohio Writing Project.

Susan Brehm

photo of Susan Brehm(Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology)

"I really enjoy when students are able to make connections between courses that they take and how everything fits together. I love preparing students for their future career. I feel it is important to engage students by offering hands-on opportunities and experiences, so I try to keep current with what motivates students and how students learn."

Read what Dr. Brehm had to say about her research specialization in voice disorders.

Abdoulaye Saine

photo of Abdoulaye Saine(Department of Political Science)

"I enjoy keeping my students engaged and learning about their opinions, ideas, perspectives, and backgrounds. My students enrich my life, and I'm always learning from them as well."

Read what Dr. Saine had to say about his many and varied interests in politics, culture, and society.

Nancy Solomon

photo of Nancy Solomon(Department of Biology)

"For introductory biology class, I really love that I get to read articles in the popular press about current topics and discuss them with my students during fall semester."

Read what Dr. Solomon had to say about her research in animal behavior and animal sociality.