Dr. Jeffrey Kimball

Jeffrey Kimball

Professor Emeritus

724 Melinda Drive
Oxford, OH 45056



PhD 1969, Louisiana State University

Research Interests: 
  • U.S. Foreign Relations
  • U.S.-Vietnam War
  • War, Peace, and Society
  • Presidents

Jeffrey P. Kimball is Professor Emeritus of History at Miami University (Ohio, USA).  He received his B.A. from the University of New Orleans, his M.A. from Queen's University (Ontario), and his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University.  He has taught courses and been the author of books, journal articles, and book chapters on foreign relations, war, alternatives to war, war termination, popular culture, and historiography from the late eighteenth century to the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars.  His books are To Reason Why: The Debate About the Causes of American Involvement in the Vietnam War (1990), long a standard supplemental reader in history classes; Nixon's Vietnam War (1998), which was a History Book Club selection, received the Robert Ferrell Book Prize and the Ohio Academy of History Book Award, and nominated for a Pulitzer Prize; and The Vietnam War Files: Uncovering the Secret History of Nixon-Era Strategy (2004), which won the Arthur Link/Warren Kuehl Prize and has also been published in Vietnam.  Two of his articles on the War of 1812 have also won awards.  His latest book, with co-author William Burr, is Nixon's Nuclear Specter: The Secret Alert of 1969, Madman Diplomacy, and the Vietnam War (2015).

Kimball has served as graduate director of the Miami University History Department, associate editor for the journal Diplomatic History, president of the Peace History Society, and chair of the Peace History Commission of the International Peace History Association.  He was a Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in 1995 and a Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in 2001.