Dr. Yihong Pan

Yihong Pan



Professor of History

Affiliate of Global and Intercultural Studies (Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program)

Affiliate of the Department of Comparative Religion


PhD 1990, University of British Columbia

MA, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China

BA, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China

Teaching and Research Interests: 
  • Tang history (618-907)
  • China's Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
  • Chinese women's history
Courses Taught: 
  • HST 206 Introduction to Historical Inquiry
  • HST 354 Modern Chinese History
  • HST 383Women in Chinese History
  • HST 434/534 China and the Silk Road before 1600
  • Miami University China Semester Program, Shanghai
Selected Publications: 
  • "Never a Man's War: The Self-Reflections of the Women Soldiers on the New Fourth Army in the Resistance War against Japan (1937-45."  (in Chinese).  Research on Women in Modern Chinese History, issue 24, December 2014
  • "Locating Advantages: The Survival of the Tuyuhun State on the Edge (300-580s)," T'oung Pao, Volume 99, issue 4-5, 2013
  • "Crafting the 'New Woman' in China's left-wing cinema of the 1930s: Sun Yu's three films," Frontiers of History in China, Volume 6, Number 2, June 2011
  • "From Red Guards to Thinking Individuals: China's Youth in the Cultural Revolution," Education About Asia, Vol. 14, No. 3, Winter 2009
  • “Their ‘Quiet’ Devotion: Communist Women in the War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945),” The Chinese Historical Review, Spring 2009
  • “Zhao Ruiqin: A Peasant Woman in Gansu and Domestic Worker in Beijing,” The Human Tradition in Modern China, ed. Kenneth J. Hammond and Kristin Stapleton, Rowman and Littlefield, 2008
  • Tempered in the Revolutionary Furnace: China’s Youth in the Rustication Movement, Lexington Books, 2003
  • Son of Heaven and Heavenly Qaghan: Sui-Tang China and Its Neighbors, Center for East Asian Studies, Western Washington University, 1997


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