Meet Our Peer Tutor
Peer Tutors for Spring 2023

Josselyn Marroquin
Hi! My name is Josselyn Marroquin (she/her/ella), and I am a first-year Doctoral Student in the Brain, Cognitive, and Developmental Psychology Program. I work with Dr. Chris Wolfe on Medical DEcision-Making, and I am the Graduate Manager for the Center for Psychological Inquiry (CPI). My areas of expertise include graduate school, internships, research, and psychology courses. A fun fact about me is that I am from Los Angeles, California!

Maddie Cross
Hi! My name is Maddie Cross (she/her)! I am a sophomore here at Miami and am a Psychology major with a co-major in Art Therapy! I have two minors, one in Women and Gender Studies and another in General Business. I am involved in Alpha Delta Pi, a social sorority at Miami University. I am a good resource for any 100 or 200-level course, as well as any statistics class or writing methods class (STA 261, PSY 293, PSY 294). I am also able to help answer any questions about how to get involved in research or internships. I will do my absolute best to answer any other questions you may have! One fun fact about me is that I was in the unicycling club in middle school, and therefore know how to ride a unicycle.

Berta de la Rosa
My name is Berta de la Rosa (she/her) and I am a senior from Barcelona, Spain double majoring in Psychology and Diplomacy & Global Politics. I am the co-president of Women in Law and the VP of Membership of the Alpha Chapter of Delta Zeta. I believe that I can provide the most by providing aid and support throughout the whole internship and graduate school process. I am also knowledgeable within the field of social psychology and can provide assistance in any course related to such topic. Finally, a fun fact about me is that I did competitive rollerblading for 13 years.

Isha Joshi
I am Isha Joshi (She/her), a sophomore majoring in psychology and pre-medical studies. I love interacting and learning from others. I have done many internships in the medical field regarding pediatrics and psychiatry that I can help others explore and will be doing another internship in India this summer. I am in contact with many TA/SI leaders in the medical field for more help and information! A fun fact is I have played competitive soccer for 14 years.

Miles Lynn
Hi, my name is Miles Lynn and I'm a junior majoring in Pre-Medical Studies, Psychology, and Neuroscience. I am involved in research wish Dr. Ward's Health PSychology lab studying alcohol and college student drinking habits. I'm a member of Phi Delta Epsilon, a pre-medical fraternity, and Miami MED. I'm a member of the College of Arts and Sciences Honors College and I also play in a band here at Miami. I can help best in general psychology courses (100 to 200 level), study tips, and internship questions related to medicine with psychology. A fun fact about myself is I have been to 42 US states and only have 8 left to get all 50!

Fiona Macke
Hi! I'm Fiona Macke (she/her) and I'm a sophomore co-majoring in Psychology and Art Therapy. I'm an undergraduate research assistant in the Trauma and Emotion Regulation Lab and a new member of PSI CHI. I'm probably best equipped to help you with any of your psychology breadth courses or learning about grad school, but I'll always do my best to help you with any questions you may have! A fun fact about me is that I have a dog on campus so she might guest star during my zoom office hours!

Valentina Santiago
Hi, I'm Valentina! I am a second-year Psychology major minoring in Spanish and Child Studies and Youth Development. On campus, I am the Institutional Ambassador for UNIDOS, a member of Miami Hope, and a member of the Honors College. and I'm new to the CPI this semester and am best equipped to help you with breadth courses, Psychological Statistics, and the best way to get involved with research labs. A fun fact about me is that in high school I was able to observe a brain surgery. I'm excited to meet everyone who comes into the center this year!

Avery Walton
Hi, my name's Avery Walton (she/her), and I'm currently a sophomore majoring in Psychology with minors in Ethics, Society, and Culture as well as Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I am also involved with Active Minds, Student Organization for Undergraduate Research and Career Exploration (SOURCE), Dean of Students' Advisory Board, and Scholar Leaders. I am able to help with any 100 or 200 level courses required for Psychology majors, and my area of focus is abnormal psychology. I am also familiar with the process of applying to and getting involved with internships and research! A fun fact about me is that I will be traveling to England and Ireland this summer!