Patten Award Rubric

Patten Award Rubric

The Patten Senior Prize is awarded to an outstanding senior selected by the Department Awards Committee. This prize is awarded to an outstanding senior major in psychology, based on exceptional academic performance and engagement in scholarly activities.

  1.  Student Nominee:
  2. Faculty Nominator:
  3. GPA:
  4. Total Semesters of Independent Study:
  5. Scholarly Achievement Total (i.e. sum of 4 items below)

Research Contributions: Student has made significant contributions to the research efforts of her/his/their lab. Research contributions include skill development (e.g., wet lab techniques, programming skills, analytic ability) and outputs to produce research (e.g., stimuli creation, participant recruitment, scheduling, lab management).

                            1                    2                    3                    4                    5

*1 being no contribution or minimal (baseline) contribution to lab and 5 being contributions are exemplary and substantive. Student likely has demonstrated expertise across several areas of lab (e.g., mastered lab techniques AND design—appropriate statistical analyses).



Scientific Communication: Student has actively disseminated research and scholarship. Scientific communication can involve the presentation of research findings in conference settings, research forums, and meetings of community members and stakeholders and the publication of peer reviewed articles. Greater weight should be given to more rigorous scientific outputs (i.e., presentation at competitive conferences should be scored higher than Hinkle presentations; authorship on peer reviewed journal articles should receive higher scores than conference presentations.)

                           1                    2                    3                    4                    5

*1 being no communication and 5 being communications are exemplary (e.g., co-authoring peer reviewed papers) or frequent (e.g., numerous presentations to societies or stakeholders).



Scholarly Goals: Student has clearly articulated goals for future professional endeavors.

                            1                    2                    3                    4                    5

*1 being goals are undefined or absent and 5 being goals are clearly articulated and relevant to lab expertise. 



Service to Department and Community: Student has a track record of service to the Psychology Department, Miami University, and their community. High scores on this metric may related to service on Psychology Committees (e.g., D&I, Psi Chi, ABPsi), acting as department representatives at university events (e.g., Discover the Sciences), and community outreach (e.g., psyc-related volunteerism).

                            1                    2                    3                    4                    5

*1 being no evidence of service and 5 being student has engaged in multiple forms of service to department, university, or community.


Total Score = GPA (x2) + IV +V =