Looking for Trouble, Cage Gallery Exhibit

Photos by Scott Kissell
Professor Murali Paranandi and John Reynolds have curated an exhibit entitled “Looking for Trouble” that investigates the legacy of modernism through the lens of six houses from Alterstudio Architecture, an award-winning architecture firm from Austin, Texas. This exhibition is open from Oct 6-24 in the Cage Gallery, Alumni hall, Department of Architecture + Interior Design, Miami University.
At 3:30 PM on Wednesday October 15th, Dean Liz Mullenix ceremonially launched the print and iBook version of the catalog. This represents the first volume in the series of publications titled INNOVATE edited by Murali Paranandi to showcase the INNOvative Voices in Architectural pracTice and Education. This print edition has 160 pages featuring color images of the work as well as three original essays by Wilfried Wang, O’Neil Ford Centennial Professor In Architecture, University of Texas, Austin; Carlos Jimenez, Professor of Architecture, Rice University; John Reynolds, Professor of Architecture, Miami University; Introduction by Murali Paranandi, and foreword by John Weigand, Chair and Professor of Architecture, Miami University. iBook version will feature these, plus more content to be added as an update in early 2015.
Architect and Professor Kevin Alter interacted with students in the gallery reception prior to a formal lecture at 4 PM, Wednesday October 15th in Room 1, Alumni Hall.