
Mental Training Workshops for Musicians


Miami University Department of Music in collaboration with the Department of Sports Leadership and Management announce two workshops exploring the psychology of music performance.

Register now for the workshops held in Presser Hall, rooms 100 and 222, on March 12 and April 2nd.

Sports Leadership and Management (SLM) sports psychologist Dr. Robin Vealey and certified Mental Performance Consultant Dr. Matthew Moore have developed a program to certify their graduate students in Mental Performance. In collaboration with Professor of Violin Harvey Thurmer, these workshops are being offered to music performers for the first time here at Miami.

Says Professor Thurmer, "Having previously helped facilitate a course with Dr. Robert Weinberg (now retired sports psychologist) called The Psychology of Performance Excellence, when the SLM (Sports Leadership and Management) department was formed as a separate entity from Kinesiology, Dr. Vealey reached out to me to see if this collaboration would be beneficial. Now that Dr. Vealey and Dr. Moore are training grad students for a mental performance consultancy certification they wanted to expand the clientele to include performing musicians. I jumped at the chance. They began working with my studio last semester and we would like to see this become a connection between our two departments - both for their students to gain experience working with musicians, but also perhaps for our students who might be interested in this sort of work themselves in the future."