
CEC senior was recognized with The President's Distinguished Service Award

A CEC senior was recently recognized with the The President's Distinguished Service Award along with 17 other Miami students.

oladele pic

Oladele's headshot               

Alex Oladele, a double major in Computer Science and Software Engineering, is from Westerville, Ohio. He was nominated for his work as a resident assistant for 3 out of 4 of his years at Miami. His ability to impact and care for his residents, and his ability to go the extra mile in his work was some of the reasons he was nominated for this award. In addition, he works to be able to help speak out about the lack of diversity in Computer Science, and strives to mentor to people in marginalized communities to spread the importance of STEM.  

Students are selected for this award for their exemplary leadership, campus life, and service that demonstrates the idea of being a citizen leader. To be eligible for this award, nominees must have been a student or recent graduate for 2018. A written letter of nomination is required, and letters are evaluated by a Reading Committee composed of various faculty. Winners of this award are honored at a special ceremony and receives a medallion to wear with their commencement robes.   

We are so proud of Oladele and all of his accomplishments during his time at Miami. If you want to learn more about the recipients for this award visit the Student Life website.

By Maggie Cavanaugh, CEC Communications Reporter