CEC starts Mentoring Program for female students
On Oct. 22, a new initiative called the CEC Women’s Mentorship Program was kicked off in Benton 100, where over twenty female students in CEC met with female Miami alumnae who are currently working in the field.
The students participated in several rounds of “speed dating,” where they had the opportunity to quickly get to know the mentors. At the end of the night, they turned in preference sheets, marking down their top mentor choices. On Oct. 24, they were paired based on their preferences, as well as academic and career goal compatibility.
The objective of the program is to help sustain and grow the female population in the computing and engineering majors, as well as encourage them to stick with it through and after graduation. By developing a professional relationship with a like-minded mentor, students will hopefully feel more supported in their ambitions in a statistically male-dominated field.
The relationship is meant to be a two-way street, where both the mentee and the mentor are learning and growing together. Discussing challenges, sharing accomplishments and professional goals, and working through tough career decisions are just a few things members hope to gain from the program.
“I’m always trying to find opportunities to grow myself professionally,” Grace Trippiedi, a sophomore Engineering Management major and Theta Tau’s professional development chair, said.
“These women are volunteering their own time to help people who were once in their position...and if someone is trying to help me with my career, I’m not going to say ‘no,’ so I’m very excited about this.”
Mary Ellen Giffels, the program’s founder and member of the CEC Women’s Advisory Council, has great expectations for the Mentorship Program.
“This idea is not a one year thing...I would like it to be perpetual. A community of women in CEC from Miami just continues to grow and grow and grow, and we create a community after graduation as well,” Giffels said.
By Jenna Calderón, CEC Reporter