
Summer Scholars Program Introduces New Module

The Summer Scholars Program is a two-week long immersion program that gives high school students the opportunity to discover their academic interests and experience being on a college campus.

The two program modules under CEC are “Engineering Design” and a new module called “Engineering Grand Challenges: Under Pressure.”

Through “Engineering Design,” students will work in teams to design and build an interactive robot. They will learn to “communicate” through programming language and create a robot that will battle the other teams and, hopefully, emerge victorious.Summer Scholars group

The new module, “Under Pressure,” explores “Modeling, Simulation, Analysis and Design for Deep Sea Exploration.” This involves structural engineering as well as understanding the complex, deep sea environment.

“We are trying to show [students] how engineers actually work to solve a problem,” said Dr. Amit Shukla, chair of the MME department. “Even with very simple science, you could solve a really challenging problem if you work together and brainstorm.”

The new program will be especially applicable to those interested in MME and CPB, but will be beneficial to any area of engineering.

For more information and to apply, visit the Summer Scholars webpage.

By Jenna Calderón, CEC Reporter