
Supply Chain & Operations Management Program Moves to the Top

June 2016

The Farmer School's Supply Chain & Operations Management (SCOM) Program was recently ranked 17th overall internationally, 3rd among non-PhD schools and first among public universities without a PhD program by the 2016 SCM Journal List. The ranking is based on research published in the four top empirical supply chain management journals (Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Business Logistics, Supply Chain Management Journal, and Decision Sciences).

The importance of these rankings was explained by the SCM Congress, "There are many rankings of supply chain management programs, but none that include the SCM research that is produced. The annual SCM Journal List rankings fill this gap by ranking supply chain management programs based on research output in top-tier SCM and OM journals."

Byron Finch, professor & chair of the management department noted, "The growth of our program, strength of our recruiter base and success of our students gives us consistent reinforcement for what we are teaching. Our placement in this objective ranking among the top research-focused schools lets us know that our research focus and support is also right where it should be. This is a reflection of the efforts of the supply chain management faculty to balance teaching and research quality."

The SCM Journal List is governed by the SCM Congress, which is composed of scholars from many of the leading supply chain management universities throughout the world and which reviews the journals encompassed within the List every four years.

Badge signifying first place in SCM Journal list of top programs