Where in the World is Miami Wednesday: MUDEC
In this week's, Where in the World is Miami Wednesday, we meet John Strozsak, a sophomore Marketing major. John is studying at MUDEC during Fall, 2020. At Miami, John is involved in the Barlife Calisthenics club. At MUDEC, he is the social media intern, managing the MUDEC Instagram.
How did the pandemic affect your study abroad plans?
COVID has really affected my study abroad experience. I almost did not get to even come to MUDEC. We are the smallest MUDEC class ever, at only 30 (usually ~100). We wear masks when necessary, and our travel has been really restricted.
Why did you choose the program that you did?
I have always wanted to travel, and part of me thought this would happen at some undetermined time in the future. I had always thought I would do it, I just didn't know when. Then last year, I found the MUDEC program, and figured, "What the heck, I'll give it a shot." I knew nothing about Europe, and even less about Luxembourg. I just decided to dive straight into it. I'm currently writing this in a hotel in France, so I guess it all worked out well in the end. It got a little nerve-wracking for a bit though, especially the week before I left home.
What are you studying with your program?
I am a Marketing major in the FSB, and I'm taking a Marketing 291L, as well as Management 291L, 2 ITS classes, MUS 289L, and ART 188L. I'm also doing an internship here worth 3 credits, for a total of 19 credit hours.
What are the coolest places you have visited on your program?
So far, I've been all over France (5+ cities including Paris), to Belgium twice, and to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. I plan on going to Germany and Switzerland in the next month, and if I have time, Norway. This might sound crazy to someone who's never been to Europe, but it's way easier than you'd think to get train tickets spontaneously and just go somewhere. Today, I saw Mont Saint Michel, and it was absolutely breathtaking.
What is your favorite part about your program?
This has to be a trick question, because it's impossible to choose. Everything is amazing. The food, the people, the sights, sounds, and smells. You have not lived until you've had a French pastry. The traveling lifestyle is a different experience than most people are used to, but it's truly a great experience. Even the commute to class is fun. Every morning, I wake up and get to walk 20 minutes through a picturesque European town to study at our centuries-old Chateau. What's there not to like?
How has the study abroad experience changed you?
It would be easier to answer how it hasn't changed me. I feel like a better version of myself after having come here. I feel more in tune with who I am and who I want to be. It sounds really cliché, but I swear to you it's true. It turns you into a more open minded and accepting person. It shows you what another part of the world is like, and throws you right into living among people who you might not even be able to speak to. It's a truly humbling experience. You start to really appreciate the small things in life, and you see some really cool stuff. Every day I wake up and I'm happy to be here. I think that by the time this whole thing is over, I'll be a much kinder, more intelligent, and cultured person than when I first came. And I'll even speak a little French and a little German too.
Where in the World is Miami Wednesday is a news article series that features Miami students studying abroad/away and international students. Catch us next week as we continue to travel around the world to feature the amazing opportunities that Miami students are taking and the experiences our alumni have had since graduating!
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