
Roger and Joyce Howe Award 2022

By Polly Heinkel

Every spring semester the Howe Center for Writing Excellence (HCWE) presents the Roger and Joyce Howe Award for Excellence in Disciplinary Writing Instruction. The award is given to an individual or team of Miami faculty members who have made a concerted and continuing effort to innovate writing instructions in their disciplines in order to ensure that students in their courses and programs are provided numerous opportunities to write and are supported in these efforts through innovative writing instruction across time.

For those chosen, Individuals will receive $1,000 in professional development funds, while teams of three or more will receive a total of $3,000 in professional development fund to be split among team members. These funds can be used for travel, books, technology, etc. 

Faculty members may nominate themselves or nominate another faculty member, or nominations may be made by members of the Liberal Education Council (LEC) or Global Miami Plan Writing committees. Students may also nominate faculty or teams of faculty.

Nominations are also being accepted for faculty or graduate instructors who have created transformative writing assignments within their discipline. The Special Recognition for a Transformative Writing Project award recognizes an individual writing assignment created by a faculty or graduate instructor that reframes the way a student learns. This award is designed to publicly recognize and share these assignments and to highlight those individuals who use writing innovatively as a mode of instruction within their discipline. 

Nominations for both awards are now being accepted and must be submitted online no later than 10am on February 11, 2022. 

Portrait of Roger and Joyce Howe

Funding from Roger and Joyce Howe (both Miami class of 1957) has made this award possible. The Howes have donated over $15 million to support writing at Miami.