
HR-Functional Job Title

Transportation Delivery Assistant
Transportation Delivery Specialist

Department Job Title

Transportation Delivery Assistant
Transportation Delivery Specialist


Performance Evaluation: Current, satisfactory (annually)

Approved Learning Opportunities

Academic Courses

Our list of academic courses is approved for all job enrichment participants in any curriculum. If you complete similar courses, of similar title, at other institutions, we can review them for possible approval.

American Management Association Self-Study Courses

Our list of American Management Association Courses is approved for job enrichment participants in this curriculum.

Association of International Bakers (Campus Services only)

Food Safety for Warehousing and Distribution: 120 points

CE Direct (Campus Services only)

Accountability in the Food Service Department (RD62): 12 points
Celiac Disease Demands a Lifelong Gluten-Free Diet (RD386-60): 1 point
Cultural Competency (RD05): 3 points
Enhancing Productivity in Foodservice (RD79): 6 points
Food Gone Bad (CE459): 1 point
Food Purchasing (RD84): 5 points
Food Safety and Protection (RD81): 6 points
Foodservice Cost Containment (RD82): 6 points
Implementing HACCP (RD92): 6 points
In Case of Emergency: Serving During a Disaster (RD46): 1 point
Keep It Clean Hand Hygiene (RD568): 1 point
Norovirus:The Leading Cause of Acute Gastroenteritis in the U.S. (RD453): 1 point
Understanding & Preventing Foodborne Illness (RD19): 2 points
Using Protein to Maximize Athletic Performance (RD152): 1 point

Individual Development Workshops

Classified staff may complete any of the following workshops for job enrichment points:

Presentation Skills: 7 points
Microsoft Excel 2013 Basic: 6 points
Microsoft Excel 2013 Intermediate: 6 points
Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced: 6 points
Microsoft Access 2013: 6 points

Job-Specific Training

Driving Improvement Course (Greater Hamilton Safety Council): 8 points

Non-Academic, University-Sponsored Learning Opportunities

The non-academic, university-sponsored learning opportunities can change from year to year. As a result, the points you can earn from completing them may vary. Please contact your Job Enrichment Administrator for the points awarded for each of the following.

The list of Non-academic, University-sponsored learning opportunities is approved for job enrichment participants in this curriculum.


Skillport offers extensive online learning opportunities, sponsored by Human Resources Staff Development.

TPC Courses

201 Basic Electricity and Electronics (Campus Services Only): 10 points 
301 Basic Mechanics (Campus Services Only): 10 points 
367 Plumbing Systems Maintenance (Campus Services Only): 10 points 
376 Energy Conservation Basics (Campus Services Only): 5 points 
377 Energy Losses in Buildings (Campus Services Only): 5 points
378 Heating/Cooling System Efficiency (Campus Services Only): 5 points
380 Electrical Energy Conservation (Campus Services Only): 5 points
431 The Refrigeration Cycle (Campus Services Only): 5 points
433 Compressors (Campus Services Only): 7 points
439 System Troubleshooting (Campus Services Only): 5 points
901 Maintenance Organization (Campus Services Only): 7 points
903 Controlling Maintenance Resources: 5 points
905 Effective Communication for Supervisors: 7 points

Universal Class

Universal Class is an online learning program offered through Lane Public library and other local public libraries. This program provides a diverse offering of intellectually stimulating courses for people interested in the lifelong pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Contact your JEP Administrator with course questions and possible approved courses.