Welcome new director of IT business services!

Donna Amrhein launched a new chapter of her career with IT Services on Monday, April 16, as she took up her new position as director of business services.
Donna has been a familiar face in IT since 2005, holding positions from administrative assistant for finance to budget analyst to business coordinator and manager. Following Beth Farthing Moore’s retirement last June, Donna provided budget and financial support to the leadership team (LT), and following a competitive search process, Donna moves in to Hoyt 325 as director.
Donna’s 35-year career in finance and administration and her intimate knowledge of Miami’s budgeting and financial systems were acknowledged as the best fit with the division’s needs. She is stepping into the role bringing fresh, but seasoned, eyes.
“I didn’t want to regret not taking this opportunity,” Donna explains when asked why she sought this new position. “Opportunities like this don’t come along very often.” She has been busy her first two weeks assessing potential ideas for increasing the effectiveness of her unit, which provides critical support to the division.
In her new capacity, Donna serves on the IT LT with responsibility for budget management, contract and vendor management, IT’s internal HR, administrative support, and university operators.
Outside of the office Donna is likely even busier than she is here. She’s a crafter, loves antiquing and sports, and her grandchildren. Attending her first NFL and NBA games these past seasons has Donna thinking about what might make up her bucket list. In addition to travel, that list includes driving a NASCAR race car.
As Donna would say: “Life’s too short, make the most of every day!” And clearly, she does.