IT Reminders: How do I get support?
As we once again fall into the start of school it’s a good idea to take a deep breath and revisit some of the most important facts about IT at Miami. One of the biggest services we provide—arguably the biggest—is tech support for the systems and software we're responsible for.
How do you get support? Let’s review.
1. Check the IT Help portal
We recently revamped the IT Help portal to give it a more organized, visually appealing look. From this page, you can view contact info for the support desk, search the Knowledge Base directly, find links to reset your password, and much more. There is even a section of helpful KB articles curated for different times of the school year. For instance, right now, there are several links relating to start-of-school shenanigans that you will find appropriate for this time of year.
Visit the site now at
2. Search the Knowledge Base!
With over 1,600 public articles on common Miami tech topics (like how to download your free version of Microsoft Office, where to find your Banner+ number, or how to set up a Webex meeting), chances are you’ll find the answers to your questions in the Knowledge Base.
See our article about how to get the most out of your KB searches for more tips and tricks.
Search the KB now at
3. Call IT Help at 513-529-7900
Calling the support desk is the easiest and quickest way to get the help you need. Advisors are trained to assist in whatever way you need and get the appropriate people involved if they can’t resolve your issue right away.
4. Chat with IT Help
If you’re more of the typing type, we also have a live chat option. This connects you to a live support person ready to assist with your issues. Go to now!
We’re here to assist you with your technology needs. If you need help, you need only reach out. Have a great start to your semester!
Bonus: New Wi-Fi site!
We have recently launched a new site dedicated to Wi-Fi and all of its incarnations at Miami. You’ll find the history of Wi-Fi at Miami, its current state, and what we’re doing to improve it on a consistent basis. There is also a handy list of the different networks you can join and why you might want to join them.
Visit for more information.