New form by Technology Inclusivity Committee seeks to identify barriers

The Technology Inclusivity Program (TIP) has been working to identify, prioritize, and address the most impactful inclusivity issues encountered in Miami’s technology -- issues that have become more apparent throughout the remote work and schooling environment of the last year.
To help address these challenges, a form has been created that allows students, faculty, and staff to self-report barriers to inclusivity that they have personally experienced or witnessed when using technology at Miami.
The form itself says it best:
Miami is committed to providing inclusive technology solutions. We welcome your assistance to identify and report barriers to inclusion that you encounter in Miami's technology.
We are glad that this partnership across campus departments has found a way for folks to reach out and connect with the parties that can address their issues. The steering team of the TIP is comprised of members from Student Life, Enrollment Management and Student Success, Academic Affairs, Finance & Business Services, and IT Services, which means that offices all across campus are coming together to address this important problem.
“A few years ago, we created the ability for students, faculty, and staff to set their preferred name, then worked to populate that name into dozens of Miami systems like Google, Canvas, and others,” said Jeff Toaddy, senior business analyst in IT Services and chair of the steering team of the TIP. “With the Technology Inclusivity Program, we are excited to expand the scope beyond preferred name to include race, ethnicity, pronouns, genders, and many other critical pieces of personal identity. We look forward to addressing the concerns you identify and doing our part for the Miami experience.”
If you have found or experienced barriers to inclusivity while using technology at Miami, please fill out the form.