CAS Upgrade Planned for August 10

On Tuesday, August 10, at 5:00 am, IT Services will be upgrading the Central Authentication Service (CAS) to version 6.3.4. This is Miami’s single-sign-on system (in other words, the way you log in to Miami resources). The cutover to the new version should only take a few minutes.
Authentication through CAS to services like myMiami, Canvas, and email should not be affected during this switch. However, after the switch is made, you may need to log back in to any new service you need to access.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this service change, please contact IT Help at 513-529-7900 or To view planned IT activities and the current status of major systems and services, please visit our dashboard at
Reminder: Google Sites
If you currently have a Google Site in the Miami domain, there is an upgrade coming down the pipeline from Google that requires you to convert your site to a new version! You will need to update your site by the end of September 2021. At that time, sites that have not been updated will no longer be viewable.
See more: Google updates announcement.