FAQ: myMiami replacement

by Elizabeth Parsons, IT Services
You have, by now, heard that myMiami is undergoing a bit of an overhaul. We will be saying goodbye to the older user interface that you’re used to, but the new myMiami is going to be just as useful – or more!
We know you probably have a lot of questions. Let’s break it down:
Why are we changing myMiami?
The biggest reason we decided to embark on this journey is that our version of the tool that underpins the service is end of life. The infrastructure would require a huge investment to reboot, and the older it gets, the bigger the potential for security issues. It also has accessibility challenges. In non-technical terms, that basically means that the technology is old and only getting older – and in our future-focused world, we have to leave it behind.
That may be the biggest reason, but the most salient is that the new solution, OneCampus, is a newer app that will help us grow as a community, meets our modern accessibility requirements, and addresses the potential security risks of continuing to run that old infrastructure. It’s sleek, cool, mobile-friendly, and easy to use. In addition, as we move forward and begin to use even more advanced technologies, interoperability between tools will be critical. OneCampus helps us fulfill part of that goal.
What do I need to know about the new tool?
OneCampus is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service application that was originally developed by folks at Indiana University as a mobile-friendly, search-first, streamlined approach to internal communication on campus.
The project has fostered an almost unparalleled cross-divisional partnership that has achieved many milestones over the past year. We are working hard to reproduce the functionalities you are used to having with the current myMiami interface. It’s going to feel different – but it’s going to be good!
Not only that, but OneCampus is a solution that other universities have already started using. Here are some good examples of schools that have rolled it out already and links to their own instances:
Where did my QuickLinks go?
The massive list of QuickLinks is no longer on the site in the format you’re used to seeing, but not to worry – many of the links in the current QuickLinks portlet are searchable in the new interface.
You can also add your own “Favorites,” which will function essentially as the new QuickLinks. Do a search for the thing you want to add, click the “heart” next to it, and it’ll be added to the top of your dashboard.
However, because the new tool is currently in Beta form, not all of the content that will be in the final version is here yet. Admins have the ability to see what folks are searching for, and if we find there are common items that are not yet in the portal, we can add them. So keep searching!
Where can I see my class schedule?
When you are logged in to the new tool, at the bottom of the home page you should see a section called "Canvas Courses.” Although it will not function exactly the same as the previous My Courses widget, it will allow direct access to Canvas.
What do I have to do?
The biggest ask we have of you is that you try out the new interface and leave us some feedback. Please fill out the survey you’ll find in the announcements section on the new site and let us know what you think.
And – give it a chance. The new myMiami is highly customizable and designed with the mobile user in mind. We know you’ll grow to love it!
When are we turning off the old myMiami?
The goal is to turn off the old myMiami August 1, 2022. This will give us time to ensure that the things you need are in the new tool and for you to get used to the sleek new interface.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work on the new myMiami!