IT Work to Take Place Over Spring Break

IT Services will perform maintenance and implement changes in the computing environment between March 20 and March 26. This week is traditionally a time when demands on systems are lower, reducing the risk that students, faculty, or staff will be inconvenienced by the outages and disruptions that this work may cause.
Please bookmark or follow us on Twitter (@MiamiUIT) for real-time notifications of any disruptions that may occur during these maintenance windows. Also: Please note that this list is not exhaustive and may change, so check back here regularly for updates.
If you have any questions about any of this work, please contact IT Help at 513-529-7900 or To view the full calendar of planned IT activities and the current status of major systems and services, please visit our dashboard at
Here are some of the activities that we will be doing during this time:
Saturday, March 19
Router code upgrade: 5:30 - 7:00 a.m.
IT Services will be applying software and security updates to our internet and data center routers. This will cause short (3 to 10 minute) outages of internet and data center services. IT Services staff will be available to monitor the upgrade process.
This work is being done in order to correct some performance issues in wireless routers on all Miami campuses.
Sunday, March 20
VSAN upgrades: 10:00 - 11 p.m.
The VSAN will be upgraded in the production cluster. No disruptions are expected, as this is a minimal change and it has already been tested successfully.
Monday, March 21
New ID card printing software: 7 to 9 a.m.
The software used to print Miami ID cards will get an upgrade. The printers will be configured on Friday, March 18, 2022. On March 21, new software will be installed on the printers. The CS Gold system and the WebCard Center will be down for this upgrade. This means that the Miami ID card site will not be available for the duration of the maintenance window.
Tuesday, March 22
Final software upgrades will be completed for the Miami ID card printing software. No disruptions are expected.
Saturday, March 28
F5 Software Upgrades: POSTPONED
The software underpinning the F5 appliance will be upgraded several times over the next two months. The original start date was the second Saturday of spring break, but the work was postponed.
The F5 is a networking appliance that allows Miami users to connect to various important applications. Any work done on the F5 may result in momentary disruptions during the maintenance window.
Please stay tuned for further information as the date is rescheduled.
Save the Date!
Planning for the next university Data Summit is underway! It’s a half-day event designed to share knowledge about data and University resources. To join the registration email list, please contact the planning group at