
Upcoming maintenance: ID card access system

In preparation to welcome the students back later this month, Miami’s ID Card access system will undergo a required update on Tuesday, August 8.

The update will begin at 8:30 a.m., and should last approximately four hours. Outages are expected to occur intermittently throughout this timeframe; however, primary services (see below) will continue to operate in Offline mode. The WebCard Center will not be available at all during the outage window.

An important note about door access: Exterior doors will follow their expected schedule! If you anticipate needing swipe access at any interior doors (such as in stairwells of secure buildings, etc.), please use your Miami physical ID or digital ID at that door before the upgrade starts. If you have previously used your ID at that door in the last five days, it holds onto your information, so it will open.

Here is a detailed list of services that will operate in Offline mode and those that will not operate during the intermittent outages.

Services and devices that will work during the upgrade (when offline)

  • Interior door access - using your Miami physical ID card tap or digital ID (as long as you've previously tapped at the location in the past five days)
  • Dining area cash registers
  • You will be able to use credit cards at the following locations:
    • Bookstore/eCampus
    • Vending
    • Parking Garages

Services and systems that will not work in offline mode

  • WebCard Center will not be available during this time
  • Aero Devices
  • Mobile Readers
  • Rec Center Access validation and purchases using Miami funds
  • You will not be able to use MUlaa or Payroll Deduction at any of the following locations:
    • Bookstore/eCampus
    • Parking Garages
    • Vending
  • ID Card Printing
  • Pay4Print
  • Laundry

We appreciate your patience as we work to make improvements to the system.