Miami ID Card System Upgrade Planned for Jan. 8

Dec 18, 2023
Miami’s ID Card system, CS Gold, will undergo a standard point version upgrade beginning Monday, Jan. 8, 2024. The upgrade will begin at 6:30 a.m. and will last for two hours. Outages are expected to occur intermittently throughout this timeframe, however, primary services will continue to operate in Offline mode. The WebCard Center will not be available at all during the outage window.
As a precaution, before January 8, please tap your Miami ID at electronic doors that you will need to enter that day.
Below is a detailed list of services that will operate in Offline mode and those that will NOT operate during the intermittent outage.
Services and Devices which will work in Offline mode:
- Door access on a locked electronic door - using your Miami ID
- Dining area cash registers - payment by credit card or Miami ID plans
- Bookstore/eCampus - payment type credit cards
- Parking Garages - payment type credit cards
- Vending - payment type credit cards
- Goggin/Recreational Sports Center - payment type credit cards
Services and systems that will NOT work in Offline mode:
- Aero Devices
- Mobile Readers
- Recreation Sports Center Access validation and purchases using Miami ID
- Bookstore/eCampus - payment types Miami ID plans
- ID Card Printing
- Parking Garages - payment types Miami ID plans
- Pay4Print
- Vending - payment types Miami ID plans
- Laundry