
Global Miami Plan Redesign CANVAS Site Now Open

The Global MIami Plan Redesign team has created an open CANVAS site where you can find
  •  Complete Power Point of the 3 Possible Directions for the New Global Miami Plan
  • A narrated and captioned version of the Power Point
  • A series of 3 Visual Comparisons of the 3 Possible Directions
  • Our Academic Year 2020-2021 Timeline
  • A Qualtrics Feedback Survey to which all can contribute
Please feel free to self-sign up and explore the site. In the coming weeks, we hope to provide additional information about past surveys, benchmarked general education programs and other resources that will help us, as members of the Miami community, create a robust, exciting and innovative Global Miami Plan.
Please note, the feedback survey specifically refers to the 3 possible models. These are not, however, the final proposal.