INACTIVE JULY 2022 Covid-19 2021 Leave

Plan Information

Miami University has voluntarily established a new paid leave plan effective January 1, 2021 for all employees to cover gaps created by the end of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) paid leaves and to protect the campus community against the spread of COVID-19.

All faculty and staff (full-time, part-time) who are unable to work (including remote work) due to a qualifying reason related to COVID-19 may take paid leave as outlined below.

Qualifying Reasons

  • Employee is diagnosed COVID-19 positive and is subject to an isolation order;
  • Employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and is seeking a medical diagnosis and/or COVID-19 testing for confirmation;
  • Employee is a close contact with an infected individual within their own household and is subject to a quarantine order;
  • Employee is a close contact with an infected individual outside their household (including workplace exposure) and is subject to a quarantine order;
  • Employee received a COVID-19 vaccination within the last two weeks (14-day period) and is experiencing side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine; or
  • Employee has been instructed by a University COVID-19 Support Program case manager to isolate or quarantine for any other reason not referenced above.

Additional Information concerning the leave is available on the Department of Human Resources webpage.