
How-To: Extend Canvas Course Access for Fall 2020

By:   Robyn Brown     E-Campus Logo

Fall 2020: Extending Canvas Course Access

There are a handful of Fall 2020 Canvas course sites that are “scheduled” to conclude before the official end of the term (e.g., on December 8, 2020). Depending on your needs, and those of your course, this may cause disruptions to student access to course content (e.g., final exams) and Teacher access for grading, etc.

Please use the following step-by-step instructions to edit the “Ends” date for your Canvas course site. You will want to select a date beyond when you plan to submit grades to Banner. For example, if you will submit your grades on December 15, 2020, you will want to set your “Ends” date as no sooner than 12/16/2020 12:00am. You will want to be certain to select not only the appropriate date but also the appropriate time of day.

For Fall 2020 term, we recommend adjusting your course end date to 12/21/2020 at 12:00am. This provides a few additional days in the event you have any students with "Incompletes" who need a few more days to wrap up the term.

Special Note: If you do not make the date adjustments before the last day of the course specified in the Canvas course settings, you will not be able to make the date adjustments. Please contact the E-Campus Solutions Center for assistance.

To extend Canvas course access:

  1. Determine the last day of access you and/or your students will need.
  2. Go to the Canvas course site in which you need to adjust your course access end date.
  3. Click on "Settings" from the left-hand navigation menu.
  4. On the "Course Details" tab, scroll down to the field for the course end date (Ends:). Update the date to reflect when you want course access to end. Click "Done." 
    Note: There should be a date in this field. Leaving this field blank ‘confuses’ (so to speak) Canvas and can result in creating access issues.
  5. Check the box next to “Students can only participate in the course between these dates."
  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Update Course Details.”
  7. Scroll up to the top of the page. Click on the "Sections" tab, directly to the right of the Course Details tab.
  8. Click on the first blue hyperlinked course section under the "Course Sections" heading.
  9. Click "Edit Section" on the right-hand side of the page. 
    Note: If you do not see this button, try expanding your browser window.
  10. Edit the course end date (Ends:) to reflect when you want course access to end. Click "Done."
    Note: There should be a date in this field. Leaving this field blank ‘confuses’ (so to speak) Canvas and can result in creating access issues.
  11. Click on "Update Section."
  12. Click on "Settings" again from the left-hand navigation menu and confirm you're viewing the Sections tab.
  13. Repeat Steps 7 - 10 for all listed and cross-listed sections within the Canvas course site.


Watch these steps in action:


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