Donate Old T-shirts for Welcome Weekend Saturday Service

Students packaging meals to send to those in need across the world at the 2018 Welcome Weekend Service Event.
On a weekend when there are a ton of fun activities planned for 4,500 new students, a new home (and campus) to explore, and countless boxes to unpack, new Miami students can still find time to give back during Welcome Weekend’s service event. Service remains as an important part of Welcome Weekend and the Miami University experience.
Students will make dog toys out of donated t-shirts“Service during Welcome Weekend is a unique opportunity for students to connect with one another while giving back," said Evelyn Covington, Coordinator of Orientation and Transition Programs. "These opportunities are very meaningful and designed to help new students connect with service opportunities during their time at Miami.”
During this year’s event, students will make dog toys to donate to the Animal Adoption Foundation and the Animal Friends Humane Society of Hamilton, Ohio. The event will take place in the Armstrong Student Center Pavilion on Saturday, August 24 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
You can help
Orientation and Transition Programs is asking Miami faculty and staff to donate old t-shirts to Welcome Weekend Service Saturday so that there are enough t-shirts for students to make at least one dog toy to donate.
Donated t-shirts should be brought or sent to Orientation and Transition Programs at:
213 Warfield Hall
451 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
For questions, please contact Evelyn Covington at