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2-27-19 Weekly Three
This week's Three includes a message from the provost about the board meetings, a list of individuals awarded promotion and/or tenure, info about Miami's Freedom of '64 Award recipient and event and reminders about 1) 'Music and Physics' concert, 2) March Make it Miami dates, 3) March Faculty Assembly meeting and 4) upcoming University Awards event.
Fishers continue to make music at Miami
Lee '68 and Rosemary Holoviak Fisher '69 recently committed $100,000 to establish the Fisher-Holoviak Music Professorship. (Miami University Alumni Association)
Executives explain why working with property is the real deal
Nearly a dozen real estate executives came to the Farmer School to talk about their careers and experiences.
Miami hosting 18th annual Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality Symposium
Miami University hosts its 18th annual Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality Symposium Friday-Saturday, March 13-14.
Elizabeth Bell article on tuition-free college
SF, Feb. 25 and Orlando, Feb. 26 (and other media sources)
Open sessions for candidates for associate provost and dean of the Graduate School
Candidates for the position of associate provost and dean of the Graduate School will be on the Oxford campus in coming weeks.
Senate News, February 24, 2020
Senators heard a report from Helaine Alessio and Suzanne Zazycki on sustainability. Senate discussed and approved a resolution to reapportion faculty senate seats for the 2020-23 Senate term. Presentations were given on a proposed revisions to Senate ByLaws, Sections 6.B and 8.A. Provost Osborne provided an update from the Board of Trustees Meeting.
Family Science & Social Work Week, March 9-13, 2020
Family Science and Social Work Week will be held at Miami University March 9-13 across campus. A wide range of programs will be available and open to all majors, faculty and staff. No registration is required.