
3-31-16 Weekly Three

Wherever you spent it, I hope you had an enjoyable spring break. Here is this week’s Weekly Three.

Salary Increments - I am pleased that President Hodge has announced an overall 3% merit-based salary increment pool for faculty and staff, and that an additional 1% pool has been allocated—as part of the three-year market adjustment plan—for targeted faculty salary improvements. I believe both are encouraging indicators of Miami’s commitment to faculty and staff, and a strong endorsement of the important role each of you plays in the success of the University—and particularly our students. More information about the process for allocation of the funds will be sent to deans, chairs and directors soon.

Graduate Program Recognition – US News and World Report recently recognized four Miami graduate programs in their 2017 edition of the Best Graduate School rankings. The following programs ranked among the top 100 in their respective areas:

- Miami’s part-time MBA program—offered at our VOA Center—ranked 28th.
- The Speech-Language Pathology graduate program was 69th.
- English, which offers three master’s degree programs, ranked 77th.
- The master’s program in History ranked 92nd.

Congratulations to our colleagues in each of these programs.

Hosting International Scholars and Visitors – Some of you may be considering hosting international scholars or visitors in the future so I want to take an opportunity to remind you of the procedures for doing so. According to the guidelines approved in 2014, all visiting scholars hosted on Miami’s campuses must be approved by your department chair, dean, and then by me prior to his/her arrival on campus. This is true for scholars on tourist visas and those coming in under visa reciprocity agreements. Invitation letters to our international colleagues must be issued by the Dean of your division (with my approval) or by me. Global Initiatives: Hosting International Scholars and Visitors provides information about eligibility, options, and the process for approval. For specific questions, please contact Cheryl Young at