5-9-19 Weekly Three

Here is this week’s expanded Weekly Three:
Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness – I am pleased to announce that Bill Knight is the new Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness. Beginning in the fall, he will take on an expanded set of responsibilities which include leadership and support for student learning outcomes assessment, Higher Learning Commission accreditation, academic program review, administrative program review within Academic Affairs, reporting of consumer information for families and employees, and reporting of information for the National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Related to this change, the office’s name has changed to the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
Boldly Creative – As you know, Miami has committed $50 million through the multi-year Boldly Creative initiative to developing faculty proposals that advance the University, that span traditional disciplines and create new partnership with industry and government. President Crawford announced yesterday that the first seven faculty-led projects have been selected and the next round of faculty proposals will begin in the Fall, 2019. You can find a full list of the selected projects at the Boldly Creative website.
Admission update - As of the May 1st deadline, more than 4,500 students have confirmed enrollment at Miami for the 2019-20 academic year. The incoming class has an average ACT of 28 and is Miami’s most diverse first-year cohort with 732 domestic students of color (up from 710 last year). Additional details about the incoming class can be found in this news article.
Regional Campus Budget Presentation - On April 9, Sr. Vice President for Finance and Business Services David Creamer and I delivered the Regionals Annual Budget Presentation on the Middletown and Hamilton campuses. *You may contact the Provost office to get a copy of ur slides, with notes.
- Final Grades - The deadline for posting 2nd semester grades for full-term courses via BannerWeb or Canvas is 12:00 noon on Tuesday, May 21.
- Commencement - Miami’s main Commencement ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 18 beginning at 1:30 PM at Yager Stadium. Participating faculty and staff should register by Friday, May 10. Divisional ceremony information can be found here.
Until next week,