Senate News, April 17, 2023

The Provost gave an update on SB-83 and Campus safety. Senators continued discussion on seven items of business including changes to the promotion policies for 1) Tenure Track and 2) TCPL faculty, 3) Responsive changes in the TCPL Promotion and Dossier Guidelines, 4) a TCPL cap change in CEC, and proposed changes to the 5) Academic Integrity Policy, 6) Registration Policy, and 7) Probation Policy. Senators gave Senate Executive Committee permission to continue to fill senate committees over the summer.
Minutes of the University Senate meeting for April 10, 2023, were approved.
The following items were received on the Consent Calendar:
LEC Meeting Minutes_04.04.2023
LEC Meeting Minutes_04.11.2023
Grad Curriculum Meeting Minutes_04.11.2023
Committee on Faculty Research Annual Report_04.10.2023
With the approval of the April 10, 2023 minutes, the following resolutions were approved:
SR 23-15 Midterm Grade Policy
April 10, 2023
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves changes to the Midterm Grade Policy as outlined below:
Midterm Progress Reports
In the fall and spring semesters, instructors are required to submit midterm progress reports by the end of the seventh week of classes for all undergraduate students who have 45 or fewer earned credits at Miami University. This requirement applies only to full-semester and twelve-week Q-sprint classes during the fall and spring semesters; it does not apply to other fall and spring semester sprint classes or for the winter and summer terms. Midterm progress reports are accessible online through Bannerweb. Instructors are encouraged to submit midterm progress reports for all other students.
Midterm progress report due dates will be posted three years in advance.
SR 23-16 Ad-hoc Senate Committee on Midterm Progress
April 10, 2023
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves Ad-hoc Senate Committee on Midterm Progress as outlined below:
The Miami University Senate Executive Committee supports the establishment of an ad hoc committee to explore the University’s approaches to academic progress for students. The committee’s charge will be to examine the University’s approach to attendance, early alerts, mid-term progress reports and other student success related policies and bring back to the Senate information regarding best practices and recommendations for future efforts to support students’ academic progress.
The ad hoc Committee will investigate the following questions:
- How can we help support students’ academic progress?
- How can midterm progress reports and early reporting processes (e.g., early alert) work together better?
- What is the role of professional and faculty advisors in these processes?
- How can we improve communication and direction for faculty members and connect classrooms more closely with student success supports and professional advising?
- Can we establish a training curriculum and schedule regarding the early alert process through midterm progress reporting that can be shared widely with faculty and advisors and other critical staff?
- What best practices exist in peer university settings for identifying students who are at-risk for not making progress?
The ad hoc committee will also explore the current attendance policy, with particular attention to the drop portion of the policy explicated below:
A department may, at its discretion, drop from a course any student who is absent from the first class meeting of a semester, term or sprint part of semester or term unless by the end of the day (11:59 p.m.) of the first class meeting the student notifies the department or instructor of his or her intention to take the course. When possible, departments and instructors should reinstate a student who, for reasons beyond his or her control, was unable to contact the department or instructor by this deadline. The determination of individual class attendance requirements and their enforcement at the Dolibois European Center is governed by the attendance policy of the Center.
The ad hoc committee on midterm progress will be constituted by university senate by the end of academic year 2022-2023 and serve during the academic year 2023-2024. The committee will share a report of its findings and recommendations with university senate by early spring 2024 and if necessary, shepherd with the university senate during spring 2024 new or revised policy to support future work among faculty, staff, and students on academic progress. The ad hoc committee will be comprised of 10 members: 2 co-chairs (Amy Bergerson and Amanda Euen); 2 senators elected by university senate during Spring semester 2023; 2 faculty members; 2 professional advisors; 1 member of the student success committee; and 1 undergraduate student senator elected by ASG. The 7 members appointed by university senate will be chosen collaboratively by the Senate Executive Committee and the ad hoc committee co-chairs.
SR 23-17 Sense of the Senate: Ohio Senate Bill 83
April 10, 2023
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves changes to the Sense of the Senate: Ohio Senate Bill 83 as outlined below:
Whereas we as representatives of the Miami Community have an unwavering commitment to liberal arts undergraduate education, which means students are exposed to a diversity of experiences and viewpoints that strengthen our democracy and republic;
Whereas, the government of Miami University – vested in eleven trustees appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate – is entrusted with maintaining Miami’s “invaluable heritage of high scholastic standards” and maintaining “maximum freedom of scholastic inquiry and action” for the benefit of the citizens of Ohio and the United States;
Whereas we understand that part of our mission is to empower faculty, students and staff to become engaged citizens who use their knowledge and skills with integrity and compassion to improve the future of our global society;
Whereas we understand that in order to empower our faculty, students and staff in this manner we must remain committed to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at all levels of the university;
Whereas we recognize that an inclusive approach to diversity and equity must encompass the lived experiences of all faculty, students, and staff members of Miami University;
Whereas we believe a robust higher education landscape that protects academic freedom is critical to the health of the state’s economy;
Whereas we believe a robust higher education landscape that protects academic freedom and the life of the mind is critical to the constitutional aspiration of forming a “more perfect Union;”
Whereas we recognize that the partners seeking to work with Ohio’s universities, helping to build Ohio’s future economy, and hoping to employ Ohio’s future workforce – such as Intel – identify diversity and inclusion as instrumental to creativity, innovation, and business success;
Whereas we believe Ohio Senate Bill 83 to be destructive to the very core of our mission and the foundation of higher education in Ohio;
Whereas we believe Ohio Senate Bill 83 to also be destructive to our ability to recruit diverse and qualified university employees and diverse and qualified students;
We, the members of the Miami University Senate, reaffirm our commitment to critical thinking and independent thought; to the appreciation of diverse views; to a sense of responsibility to our global future. All of which we believe to be at risk should Senate Bill 83 be passed. We urge all legislators to reject this bill that would lay waste to higher education in Ohio, putting in jeopardy the health of the state’s economy and its ability to recruit a diverse and qualified workforce.
An Appended list of Ohio State Senators can be found in the minutes.
SR 23-18 Proposal to Amend Senate Bylaws Related to Reapportionment
April 10, 2023
Proposed Changes:
Section 1. Election of Thirty-Four (34) Divisional Faculty Members of University Senate
1.B. The thirty-four (34) seats on University Senate, which are to be filled by members of Faculty Assembly who are elected by their representational units, shall be distributed as described below. They shall serve three-year terms. Election shall be by majority vote within each representational unit.
The College of Arts and Science - 14
The College of Creative Arts - 3
The College of Education, Health, and Society - 3
The College of Engineering and Computing - 3
The Farmer School of Business - 5
The College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science - 5
The Libraries (all campuses) - 1
1.C. Every three (3) years, using data supplied for the fall meeting of Faculty Assembly, the Governance Committee of University Senate shall review the distribution of the above seats. The Committee may recommend the redistribution of the thirty-four (34) seats if necessary to maintain the proportional representation of the full-time equivalent faculty assigned to and within the divisions. Seats shall be allocated proportionally to full-time faculty equivalents by division, then by caucus within divisions, provided that each division indicated above is allocated at least one seat. Senate must approve any redistribution of the above. Senate, on recommendation of the Governance Committee, may lengthen or shorten some terms by one year if that is necessary to accommodate redistribution while maintaining staggered terms.
1.D. Within each division, the seats shall be apportioned as indicated below:
College of Arts and Science
English +Spanish & Portuguese+ ACE - 2
French, Italian & Classical Studies + German, Russian, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures - 1
History + Comparative Religion + Philosophy - 1
Global and Intercultural Studies + Western Program + Anthropology + Political Science + Geography - 2
Science - Biological
Biology + Microbiology + Physician Associate Studies - 2
Science - Physical
Chemistry & Biochemistry + Physics + Statistics + Geology & Environmental Earth Science + Inst. Env. & Sustainability - 2
Mathematics - 1
Science - Social
Media, Journalism, and Film - 1
Psychology + Sociology & Gerontology + Speech Pathology & Audiology - 2
College of Creative Arts
Architecture & Interior Design + Emerging Technology in Business and Design - 1
Art + Arts Management/Entrepreneurship - 1
Music & Theatre - 1
College of Education, Health, and Society
Educational Leadership + Educational Psychology - 1
Kinesiology, Nutrition & Health + Sports Leadership & Management -1
Family Science & Social Work + Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry- 1
College of Engineering and Computing
Electrical & Computer Engineering + Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering - 1
Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering - 1
Computer Science & Software Engineering + Cybersecurity - 1
Farmer School of Business
Accountancy + Economics + Finance - 2
Entrepreneurship + Information Systems & Analytics + Management - 2
Marketing - 1
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science
Nursing - 1
Biological Sciences + Computer & Information Technology + Engineering Technology + Mathematical & Physical Sciences + Commerce - 2
Education & Society + Justice & Community Studies + Social & Behavioral Sciences - 1
Humanities & Creative Arts + Languages, Literatures & Writing + Interdisciplinary & Communication Studies - 1