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Class Attendance
Scope: Undergraduate Students are covered by this policy.
Scope: Undergraduate Students are covered by this policy.
Every student is expected to participate in academically related activities and attend every class session for which the student is duly registered.
It is the prerogative of the individual faculty member to set attendance policy for each individual course, and it is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to inform students of that policy in the course syllabus or other written document at the first class meeting of the semester, term, or sprint part of semester or term.Instructors may take account of class absences in determining course grades.
All classes are to meet at the time listed in the official university course schedule unless changed with the consent of the entire class. Location changes should be specified in the syllabus for the course. The instructor should communicate in writing any special course-related activities (e.g., field trips) that occur outside of the time and location in the official university course schedule as much in advance as possible.
Faculty must excuse a student's absence for military training or religious observances that require absence from a class session and other required class activities and to include a statement in their syllabi that confirms that students must give written notification to their instructor at least one week prior to the requested absence, noting the military or religious event that prohibits class attendance and the date(s) that will be missed if officially known. The syllabus statement should also note that instructors will, without prejudice, provide such students with reasonable accomodations for completing missed work when absent due to military training or religious observances; however, students are ultimately responsible for material covered in class, regardless of whether the student is absent or present.
Instructors should be aware of the official calendar of Religous Holidays and Holy Days provided by Academic Affairs.
Faculty are also required to excuse a student’s absence due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences to be necessary. When the student returns to classes the student must be provided the opportunity to make up any work missed. Alternatives include allowing the student to take an incomplete and complete the course at a later date, or retaking the course or taking an online course. For additional information go to: Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students.
In all of the other justifiable situations (illness documented by a physician or appropriate health care official, university-sanctioned activities documented by an appropriate university administrator, public or documented personal/family emergencies), students are ultimately responsible for notifying the instructor in writing with as much advance notice as possible. Instructors may determine a reasonable amount of coursework that should be completed in order to make up the student’s absence. Students are responsible for the prompt completion of any alternative assignments.
Students needing assistance regarding extended absences due to death, illness or other critical circumstance should contact the Office of the Dean of Students (Oxford) or the Student Services (regional campuses).
A student may notify the institution of any grievance with regard to this policy by following the established procedures for student grievances under the Academic Responsibilities and Academic Grievance Poilcy.
Whenever a student is absent from class to such an extent as to make the student’s work inefficient or to impair the morale of the class, the instructor may direct the Office of the University Registrar to drop the student. During the first 20 percent of the course no grade will be recorded; after the first 20 percent is completed but before 60 percent of the course is completed, a grade of W will be recorded. After 60 percent of the course is completed, a grade of F will be recorded. The instructor shall notify the student of this action no later than the time he or she notifies the Office of the University Registrar. (See academic calendar.)
A department may, at its discretion, drop from a course any student who is absent from the first class meeting of a semester, term or sprint part of semester or term unless by the end of the day (11:59 p.m.) of the first class meeting the student notifies the department or instructor of his or her intention to take the course. When possible, departments and instructors should reinstate a student who, for reasons beyond his or her control, was unable to contact the department or instructor by this deadline.The determination of individual class attendance requirements and their enforcement at the Dolibois European Center is governed by the attendance policy of the Center.
In the event that a student absence situation cannot be resolved between the student and the class instructor, the student should follow the procedure outlined in the “Statement of Good Teaching Practices” and “Academic Grievance” policies.
A student at MUDEC whose semester or term grade point average falls below 2.00 will be subject to dismissal from MUDEC at the end of that semester. Note that dismissal from MUDEC is not to be confused with “Academic Dismissal” from the University, as provided by the Grades and Scholarship policy of The Student Handbook. It should be taken to mean termination of enrollment at MUDEC.
Students are required to be enrolled fulltime at MUDEC for fall or spring semester for a minimum of 16 credit hours. Full-time enrollment for winter or summer term is governed by specific program rules. Full-year MUDEC students may average 16 credit hours per semester, provided that the larger number of hours is taken in the fall semester (i.e., 17 in Fall, 15 in Spring). Upon a showing of good cause and with the written permission of the Academic Dean of MUDEC, a student may drop below 16 credit hours, but not below 12 hours. A student who drops below 16 credit hours without the permission of the Academic Dean of MUDEC (or below 12 hours if previously given permission by the Academic Dean of MUDEC to drop below 16 hours) will have his or her enrollment at MUDEC terminated immediately. The MUDEC attendance policy parallels that which applies on the Ohio campuses. Classes are small, and professors are expected to take attendance and to have a late arrival policy.
Although travel is an important aspect of the MUDEC experience, students are to be reminded that academic work must be the top priority.
The Student Handbook Admission policy states, “Every student is expected to attend every class session for which the student is duly registered.” At MUDEC, this means from Monday morning through Friday, with classes ending around 1:00 p.m. Friday. The winter or summer term may carry alternate expectations, to be determined based upon the class requirements. MUDEC recognizes, however, that from time to time the need may arise for a student to miss a class. However, the number of such absences may not exceed the total number of credit hours of the course in question, and may in no case exceed THREE LECTURE HOURS (180 minutes) per course, even for a five-hour language course. If the number of absences exceeds the permitted limit, the student may be dropped from the class by the instructor (which could result in the student falling below the 16 credit-hour minimum for attendance at MUDEC and thus being in violation of the conditions for enrollment at MUDEC). A student may petition to the Committee of Advisors for an exception to both the semester grade point average rule and the attendance rule, in accordance with the provisions of the Scholastic Regulations section of the Undergraduate Academic Regulations policy in The Student Handbook, except that the “Committee of Advisors” at MUDEC shall be composed of two fulltime teaching faculty of MUDEC (who make their recommendation to the Academic Dean of MUDEC).
Following termination of enrollment at MUDEC, the student will be required to leave University-provided housing in Luxembourg immediately. Refund of fees paid will be based on the standard MU refund schedule.
Before leaving for Luxembourg, all students are required to sign a waiver indicating:
Not Applicable.
Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Amended July 2020; Amended July 2022; Amended July 2023
Student Handbook 1.9
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Middletown, OH 45042
7847 VOA Park Dr.
(Corner of VOA Park Dr. and Cox Rd.)
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Chateau de Differdange
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Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
217-222 MacMillan Hall
501 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA