Get Involved
We often have Honors alumni who contact us, asking to stay involved in the Honors community. And while we are happy to accept donations, we believe that alumni involvement extends beyond monetary contributions. Which got us thinking: what are some ways you can be a part of the Honors community without having to be in Oxford?
Honors LinkedIn Group
Join the Miami University Honors LinkedIn Group! We use this page to provide Honors alumni with updates on current events, student achievements, and ways to stay engaged with your Miami Honors community.
Honors Miami Connect Group
Join the Miami Connect network to provide career advice to current students, post job or internship opportunities for the Miami community, and connect with a current alumni or student group. There is also a specific group just for Honors alumni!
Student Research Funds
For alumni who are interested in contributing to student research-dedicated funds, we are happy to give you an option to donate directly to Honors. Our dedicated donation site is secure, safe, and directly affects our students and their academic pursuits.
Alumni Spotlight Profiles
Each alumni e-newsletter, we feature our spectacular alumni within a spotlight profile. Just think: the next e-newsletter could feature you! We are always interested to hear what our alumni are doing these days, whether its work, family, further education, or anything else.
To be featured, provide a short written update and photo, or have a short phone conversation with us and provide a picture to include with the feature.
Keep Your Alumni Information Up To Date
Update your contact information to ensure you are on the mailing list for newsletters and any upcoming Honors events!
How to update your contact information with Miami
1. Log in to your Miami University alumni account or sign up to have an account. If you have yet to set one up or aren’t sure if you have one or not, please start by looking up your information.
If you already have an account setup, please login and skip to direction #10
2. If you need to create your account or aren’t sure if you have one yet or not, start by clicking the link to sign up!
3. Use the “Account Lookup” tool to search for your account. You can do this by typing in your last name and then clicking on the “Find” button.
4. This will provide you with a list of results. From here, select the bubble next to the profile that belongs to you!
5. Use the fields provided to verify which profile is yours and click the radio button next to this record.
6. After making a selection, click "Next" at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: If your name is listed with "username exists," you have already created an account. If you don't remember your login credentials, use the links on screen to retrieve your username and/or reset your password. If you do not see your name in this list, please submit this form.
7. You must then verify that it is you. Enter your constituent ID and click "Verify." (Your constituent ID can be found on many emails and mailing labels sent from Miami.)
8. If you have difficulty with the verification process, please submit this form.
9. Once you have verified your account and updated your contact information, you will have access to your Miami University Alumni Association account!
**Now that you have access to your account, we can update your email preferences to ensure you are receiving the communications you prefer.**
10. Start by logging into your account.
11. Once you have logged in, you will see a variety of options with edit buttons located next to them. Feel free to edit what you would like to here in order to ensure that Miami has the most up to date information.
12.To update your contact information, click on the “Edit” button next to Contact Information.
13.You will be able to update your home contact information on this page, as well as share any social media accounts if you prefer.
**Please ensure that you are sharing your preferred address and email to us so that you aren’t missing out on various print or electronic communications!**
14. Following this step, please select the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen, and now your information will be updated within our system!